Tom Newman - former executive director - Cleveland Flats Oxbow - DECEASED

Submitted by Gone Fishin on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 16:03.

Tom Newman, former director for Cleveland Flats Oxbow, deceased.

This will bring lots of news coverage over the next few weeks

( categories: )

are feds gonna let all die off unpunished?

Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"

Called the PD-DEMO!!!

And spoke with reporter Rachel Dissell, who does live in CLE, and has some sense of the day-to-day we all put up with here in Gotham City.  I asked why no mention of housing court and she said that Tom Newman's wife is a secretary...and I noted that she is NOT ...just a secretary.

She mentioned that the PD has covered corruption at CDCs and Community Development...true...and nothing, the fact is we residents have to find some way to take down these agencies.  I, for one, am feeling the exhaustion of pointing out the truth and no one cares...

My council rep was all smiles and promises at the event for immigrants (Hispanic Village!)--while he will continue to feed the land bank monster and allow the City of Cleveland to bulldoze historic structures on Denison.  It's all demos - no creative use of the capital we have to attract and retain immigrants and to have a city with a story worth telling.



  •  oh and plans to continue demo of Wirth House purchased by the CDC Old Brooklyn Development Corporation when current council rep was director...will go on --there is a meeting for the community on Thurs March 7th at Art House...where all the great non-profit folks at urging of my council rep have circled the wagons to continue with the demo that was first proposed by Sheryl Hoffman and her husband...who worked Clark Metro and sold their house to HUD for a profit...same old shit...just tear it down...put money in the pockets of the demo contractors...residents be damned.
  • Creative minds would actually make use of the ABUNDANCE...and not demo...but this is CLE. The mob rules....


 And this story is related as taxes went unpaid after excuse (CDC Director Northeast Neighbors Development Corp Tanya Allmond ...died in 2008)  to just NOT pay taxes!!  And, it's all OK!!


Hi Laura - it's been

Hi Laura - it's been awhile.

After reading your post this morning, I just felt like venting.

There's been a burr under my saddle for more than a week.  While some CDC's are puttin' on the face, the top dogs are aiming for bigggg raises.  I wonder where this money is going to come from?

I'll use Tremont as an example.  I overheard a conversation few days ago that certain employees at TWDC are aiming in the upwards of six figures.  This doesn't include the perk of medical insurance coverage for themselves and all family members.  I figure costes the organization maybe $7,000 - $8,000 per month for all employees.

With most of the funding (which could go any day) coming from two councilmen - wouldn't we all love raises in increments of $5,000.

Now mind you, I'm not anti raises or perks - but within reason. 



Welcome back Jerleen

I know that there has been much to contend with on your part.  Please continue to voice your story here.  I would not be in the least surprised at the salary news.  Loyalty comes with a price $$ and this upcoming council race will be very dirty.


Please say hello to your new neighbor and remind him that he can look very good, if he steps in to help save Wirth House!



Activity Owner: 



IDIS Activity ID:



Activity Name: 

Brooklyn Centre Comm. Association: Art House Rehabilitation

Program Year/Project: 



Total Funded: 



Total Drawn: 


Gretchen Garland

Senior Financial Analyst

Community Planning and

  Development Division

U.S. Department of Housing

 and Urban Development

200 North High Street

Columbus, OH  43215

(614) 469-5737, x8269

(614) 469-2237 - fax