Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 10:57.
For the primary this year, I went down to the Board of Elections to vote, and I enyoyed the experience very much. The energy there is wonderful... a surrounding of people dedicated to individual liberty and freedom. The full experience is hard to describe, but well worth the effort... especially in such important times.
If people would like a ride to vote, and they support Obama, they may contact any Obama office to arrange transportation...
Submitted by Susan Miller on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 14:16.
I voted at the Board of Elections, too and very much enjoyed the experience. Though I like Lustfelt 4 My Rustbelt missed the camaraderie and excitement of election day voting. And there was no "I voted today" sticker. For many years I worked in a cafe in my community. I may know you and the way you like your coffee because I served you daily or weekly at the Stone Oven Cafe on Lee Road in Cleveland Heights. I saw a great many people from many different walks of life there each day. On voting days, I always went to the polls early and got my sticker so that all day long people doing business with me were reminded to vote. This year since I voted on October 7 at the BOE and did not receive a sticker I have missed that visible reminder that I could wear.
On Saturday, a canvasser came to the door to encourage me to vote for their issue. How I wished I had a sticker that I could put out on the front door that would state - I voted today - the official ones from the BOE to let people know that my votes had been cast and that I had taken advantage of the very smart, let's get busy election process. The sticker says a few things:
I voted - I hope you will, too
Vote early if you're ready
Vote on election day if you can't do it in advance at the BOE or via mail ballot
I don't need convincing - my ballot is already cast
I'm not in favor of more little pieces of adhesive backed paper, but I sort of miss the sticker. It made me feel like my opinion counted and relayed that to others all day long for one day. This time I could have relayed that message for almost almost 30 days.
Like Paul on the Ohio Daily Blog who voted by mail and noted the no sticker issue, too - let this be my e-sticker.
Then there's this quote from Three C via the BigSoccer weblog:
"i don't know what it is though, but i love the act of voting. i love waiting in line (i have never waited more then like 10 or so minutes however), going into the booth, and making that decision. it gives me a much greater feeling of democratic involvement. so i'll be waiting in line in the morning (i think my place opens at 6:30am). that and i just want the "i voted today" sticker. i love stickers."
Well, stickers or no stickers, it's great to see that all over the state people are voting in person at their boards of elections and by mail while others prepare to get to the polls on election day. I've even spoken with a few people who said that their employers gave them the day off on November 4 so everyone can vote.
Remember, if you haven't voted yet, to check out the ballot and the issues in advance. You can find your ballot and all kinds of helpful information at the League of Women Voter's website.
Thank goodness we have options. Whichever option you chose, chose one - let your voice be heard.
Submitted by metroparks muse on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 14:58.
Kudos as always to the League of Women Voters for their guide. They actually include responses from the State Board of Education candidates. Many did not even bother to respond which says something in itself. Further digging indicates that some of those non-responders support teaching Creationism and may not want to advertise that to the world at large. My vote went to someone who believes in teaching science in the schools.
VOTE on Sunday
Did your mail in ballot get counted?
I checked mine today. YES!!!
Still worried about the poll station madness? A recommendation from my savvy coworker ---VOTE this weekend!!!!
Vote in Person at the Board of Elections
In-House Voting Parking Map
All Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
All Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
All Sundays: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday before an election 8:30 a.m. - Noon
Note: The Board of Elections is open every Election Day from 6:30 AM - 7:30 PM.
I like voting at the Board of Elections
For the primary this year, I went down to the Board of Elections to vote, and I enyoyed the experience very much. The energy there is wonderful... a surrounding of people dedicated to individual liberty and freedom. The full experience is hard to describe, but well worth the effort... especially in such important times.
If people would like a ride to vote, and they support Obama, they may contact any Obama office to arrange transportation...
Disrupt IT
NEEDED reminder
Here is the list of office phone numbers:
Can you help drive some one to the polls this weekend? It may be best to stop by the office in person.
Cleveland (Westside) Office
11730 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
(216) 849-0245
View Map
Cleveland (East) Office
10553 St Clair
Cleveland, OH 44108
(216) 851-5292
View Map
Cleveland (Ward 1) Office
4447 Lee Road
Cleveland, OH 44128
View Map
Cleveland (Ward 5) Office
4102 Cedar Ave
Cleveland, OH 44103
(216) 851-5292
View Map
Cleveland (Ward 8) Office
10553 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44108
(216) 851-5292
View Map
Cleveland (Ward 11) Office
15555 Lakeshore Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44110
(216) 851-5292
View Map
Cleveland (Ward 12) Office
5937 Broadway Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44127
View Map
I voted - my e-sticker
I voted at the Board of Elections, too and very much enjoyed the experience. Though I like Lustfelt 4 My Rustbelt missed the camaraderie and excitement of election day voting. And there was no "I voted today" sticker. For many years I worked in a cafe in my community. I may know you and the way you like your coffee because I served you daily or weekly at the Stone Oven Cafe on Lee Road in Cleveland Heights. I saw a great many people from many different walks of life there each day. On voting days, I always went to the polls early and got my sticker so that all day long people doing business with me were reminded to vote. This year since I voted on October 7 at the BOE and did not receive a sticker I have missed that visible reminder that I could wear.
On Saturday, a canvasser came to the door to encourage me to vote for their issue. How I wished I had a sticker that I could put out on the front door that would state - I voted today - the official ones from the BOE to let people know that my votes had been cast and that I had taken advantage of the very smart, let's get busy election process. The sticker says a few things:
I'm not in favor of more little pieces of adhesive backed paper, but I sort of miss the sticker. It made me feel like my opinion counted and relayed that to others all day long for one day. This time I could have relayed that message for almost almost 30 days.
Like Paul on the Ohio Daily Blog who voted by mail and noted the no sticker issue, too - let this be my e-sticker.
Then there's this quote from Three C via the BigSoccer weblog:
"i don't know what it is though, but i love the act of voting. i love waiting in line (i have never waited more then like 10 or so minutes however), going into the booth, and making that decision. it gives me a much greater feeling of democratic involvement. so i'll be waiting in line in the morning (i think my place opens at 6:30am). that and i just want the "i voted today" sticker. i love stickers."
Well, stickers or no stickers, it's great to see that all over the state people are voting in person at their boards of elections and by mail while others prepare to get to the polls on election day. I've even spoken with a few people who said that their employers gave them the day off on November 4 so everyone can vote.
Remember, if you haven't voted yet, to check out the ballot and the issues in advance. You can find your ballot and all kinds of helpful information at the League of Women Voter's website.
Thank goodness we have options. Whichever option you chose, chose one - let your voice be heard.
State Board of Education election
Kudos as always to the League of Women Voters for their guide. They actually include responses from the State Board of Education candidates. Many did not even bother to respond which says something in itself. Further digging indicates that some of those non-responders support teaching Creationism and may not want to advertise that to the world at large. My vote went to someone who believes in teaching science in the schools.