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Supermoon On Sept. 27th Elenin Alignment - There will as usual be an increase in earthquakes within the +-3 day windowSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 09/26/2011 - 18:55.
Wow! So we get a Supermoon with an already increased gravitational pull on the Earth on the same day that Elenin aligns with the Sun and the Earth! Now we know why Obama and the ‘elite’ are in Denver…Several months ago, I wrote a post about the supermoon that gathered a lot of attention. To read this post, please click here.Anyway, in a couple of days, another supermoon will occur. A supermoon, by definition, is when the Earth, moon and sun are all in a line at the same time that the moon is at its closest approach to Earth. To be a supermoon, the moon has to be either full or new, or else the “line” mentioned above would not be in effect. This supermoon will take place on Sept. 27. Basically, the supermoon causes an increase of the gravitational pull on the Earth by the two celestial bodies that influence the gravitational pull the most, the sun and the moon. When these bodies are lined up, such as during a new or full moon, the two gravitational pulls of these bodies act in concert on the Earth. That is why the tides are astronomically higher during a full or new moon. When the sun and moon are not lined up, they cancel each other out somewhat. When the moon is at perigee (its closest pass to the Earth), the gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth is also slightly stronger. So all of these facts cause an increased gravitational pull on the Earth during a supermoon. See remainder of story above at… Wow! So we get a Supermoon with an already increased gravitational pull on the Earth on the same day that Elenin aligns with the Sun and the Earth! Now we know why Obama and the ‘elite’ are in Denver… complete story ANTI-SPECIESISM: questministry [at] att [dot] net DONATE TO QUEST
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