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Save the Library Campaign" - Closure of the Scranton Branch of the cleveland public library - in tremontSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 02/28/2013 - 15:13.
Good Morning Everyone: I want to take some time to bring you up to date on a potential serous matter that will have a negative impact on the Tremont Community. This can be confirmed if you contact Cory Riordan whom was also present.
I was in attendance at the first public meeting about the temporary closing of the Scranton branch of the Cleveland Public Library last night 2/27.
About 30 people in attendance. Only five residents from Tremont, 3- ward 14, 2 - ward 3, and Cory. The rest were all employees and board of the CPL.
To bring you all up to speed. I asked many hard questions that I am sure did not sit well with the CPL or Councilman Cummins.
1) The Scranton Branch will close March 9th. No re-opening date scheduled.
2) The branch is temporarily relocated to 2704 Clark it will open on March 16th.
3) The temporary branch will be about 1/3 the space of Scranton Branch, it will be more of a media center.
4) The reason given to shut down Scranton was for repairs to the HVAC system.
5) A power point presentation was given.
6) The HVAC repairs and retrofitting for duct work etc could trigger costly Asbestos abatement, the building will need a electrical upgrade, and if any upgrades are done to the building it will trigger full ADA compliance.
7) The initial estimate is $3,000,000.00.
8) The temporary build out for Clark ave was $300,000.00.
9) CPL has signed a two year lease with another one year option for the temporary space on Clark.
10) CPL stated they have no commitment to this building once it is closed nor have they committed any of the monies to start any of the promised repairs or upgrades.
11) Councilman Cummins primarily spoke about his Hispanic Village project via the SCFBC CDO office. He did not state any commitment to support re-opening this historic Carnegie Branch Library. Councilman Cummins stated it is important to find another reuse of the building.
12) After the meeting Cory spoke to the Councilman, his vision is to have two development projects. Relocate the library to new facility on West 25th street as the anchor project for Hispanic Village. Hence then find private developers to purchase the Scranton Branch for private us and be allegeable for historic tax credits.
This meeting was very poorly attended, and gave the first impression that Tremont did not turn out in mass. All five residents last night in attendance wants the branch re-opened asap to include rehabbing the facility to be a 21st century facility, including ADA, but to respect the Historic nature of the building. Many of us including Cory feels this can be done. I have spoken with many people and groups this morning, over 90 % agree to the above statement.
Next steps,
a) Cory and TWDC has committed to a "Save the Library Campaign".
b) The second meeting is Saturday March 2nd at Scranton Branch 10am to 11am. (FILL THE ROOM)
c) Organize for the second round of public meetings
d) Councilman Cummins will more than likely not represent Tremont after January 1st, 2014, and cannot speak that he is representing the community or can speak for the community. Advocacy for the Library and against the ideas of Councilman Cummins wishes could jeopardize funding to TWDC for 2013/2014.
e) Councilman Cummins told me several times over the past month that he will be loosing Tremont, and Joe Cimperman will be loosing a good chunk of Tremont all to bring Slavic Village Councilman Tony Branticelli into serve as Councilperson for the majority of Tremont. This can bring its own issues for everyone.
You have my permission to forward this email because it is the truth. Many of you helped the efforts with Save Tremont School, this is on the same level.
I did not include any politicians in the email because by April 1st we should know who will be eventually running to serve us in Tremont.
Henry P. Senyak
HSENYAK [at] aol [dot] com
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Spectre of La Copa rises again-Cummins
Please see Henry Senyak's letter to residents. Sadly, Councilman Cummins has abdicated all representation of his representatives in favor of this suspicious "development" on West 25th.
For those not familiar with the existing library -the South Branch library on Scranton|Clark serves three K-8 schools within walking distance and a majority of residents nearby who live without cars. School groups will not be able to walk to the new "temporary" location of the South Branch Library, because it means crossing a major and dangerous traffic intersection at West 25th St.
I attended the first meeting summarized by Henry Senyak above. I can confirm his statements. It is critical that residents let the Cleveland Public Library know that renovation of the existing library location is a priority that needs commitment NOW and that the project can not be mothballed until after the library levy in 2013. The project to redesign and rehab the beautiful and historic South Branch Library needs to happen NOW. The potential for partnership is enormous for energy efficient design.
MANY architects and designers live within the Tremont neighborhood and many agencies are located within the existing block-- I call on them for the support to make this project a win-win for The Library, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, the Catholic Diocese and Cleveland Public Power (substation is located with the block).
The next meeting is this SATURDAY, March 2 from 10-11 a.m. The meeting is short and will not be extended. Please make the time to attend this meeting held at the existing, beautiful South Branch Library location on the corner of Clark and Scranton.
What happened at the meeting?
Haven't read an update anywhere.
Second Meeting
The second meeting was very well attended and thanks to Henry Senyak - I think that the administration at Cleveland Public Library has a better understanding of the neighborhood and their needs, which includes remodeling the South Branch Library. I will post photos of the current conditions soon.
Plea to Joe Cimperman to wrest CPL branch from Cummins' insanity
Carnegie Libraries - fate of those closed
Councilman Brian Cummins is using public buildings - our public libraries - as poker chips for his "plans" to rejuvenate West 25th-Pearl Corridor. Here's a photo montage by Fran Mentch of some of the libraries that have been closed in CLE - waiting for those great development plans (!) and photo of the branch Cummins encourages Cleveland Public Library to sell - so that a developer can qualify for historic tax credits:
Alta House in Little Italy needs a benefactor
I stopped by yesterday to resolve question of library history at the Alta House site - it was not a Carnegie library, but it was a Cleveland Public Library location. The building is hurting. Like so many abandoned former libraries. It would actually be a good place to revive a library - as it serves a diverse community and could be an ideal spot for intergenerational interaction. I know...dream on... BTW - George Post (of Cleveland Trust building) designed the Alta Library and Charles William Hopkinson designed the original Alta House, which burned down.
Will post my photos of my walk along Mayfield - what an amazing and great place to stroll - Little Italy and Coventry in Cleveland Heights are still vibrant communities with a lively street life. Wish we could say that about other parts of our town.