PD backs off Transformation Plan
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 10:14.
As their own poll continues to show that the public distrusts the MAN and the PLAN:
Cleveland's school transformation plan: Take our poll
January 05, 2010, 6:30PM
Cleveland schools CEO Eugene Sanders has revealed details of a district transformation plan (PDF). After you've looked over the plan and read The Plain Dealer's story about it, vote on these three questions to let us know what you think.
Thank you, we have already counted your vote.
Approve strongly 29% (167 votes)
Approve mildly 17% (100 votes)
Neither approve nor disapprove 13% (75 votes)
Disapprove mildly 10% (55 votes)
Disapprove strongly 31% (175 votes)
Total Votes: 572
And today's paper finally acknowledges the human suffering that would result. Strange--that Cleveland.com provides no link whatsoever to the story that appears as the front page of the Sunday Plain Dealer.
See the print edition--When a local school closes, neighborhood feels the loss January, 10, 2010 A1. by Ellen Jay Kleinerman and Robert L. Smith.
Had to use Spanish Kiosk service
To find the PD article today...what gives?
Please Plain Dealer--neighborhood story
Please explain the decision to not post an electronic version of this article--
When a local school closes, neighborhood feels the loss
January, 10, 2010 A1. by Ellen Jay Kleinerman and Robert L. Smith.
Also, why was there no coverage of yesterday's heated public turnout at Lincoln West High School?
BTW, thank you for joining REALNEO, Mr. Kroll. It's unfortunate that on-line communication can be so shrill.
Please visit here often, whether you decide to comment or not. I visit the Plain Dealer site, often, and I read the print version... and I appreciate good journalism. It's not a job that I would like to have to do.
Story missing
I see that the story by Ellen Jan Kleinerman and Robert Smith was published online after 11 p.m. Sunday. I wasn't in the office this weekend, so I don't know for sure, but I gather that there was some glitch because I know at least one other Sunday story didn't show up as it was supposed to.
When a local school closes, neighborhood feels the loss
I also see we did cover a separate meeting Saturday on the East Side closings:
Parents, students voice fear and opposition to plan to close East High
Questions about our coverage are usually better answered by the reporters themselves. We've encouraged them to take a more active role in the comments on their stories, so I invite anyone who wants to know why something did or didn't get covered, or other mysteries, to ask them directly via those comments, or e-mail them (there's a directory of our e-mail addresses here: http://www.plaindealer.com/contact/contact_edit.php
Thank you
for checking into this Mr. Kroll and welcome to Realneo. I'm also glad you've addressed the habit of copying full articles here and that you've done it in a polite and conversational way. Although I appreciate all of the information I can find here, it makes me uncomfortable to see works copied whole and I worry about the legality of it and what it means to the sustainability of Realneo. I think excerpting or paraphrasing something salient to my point and then linking to the original work is standard practice in the blogosphere and I'd like to see it as standard practice here. We're definitely creative/investigative enough to come up with our own original content!
when the story disappears
I agree Jenita and I have grappled with this issue myself. No answers, but one additional question for Mr. Kroll and the community - What about all those 404s that occur when we quote and link?
As Norm mentioned, realneo has managed to maintain the archive. If you posted it here and didn't delete it, it is there today. Not so with Plain Dealer stories; they expire and the item you linked in 2005 bring a discouraging 'story not found'. The enterprising will go to CPL.org and find their way through the research tools to access the story on Newsbank or some such, but there is this period between the story being lost from the PD (cleveland.com) and the library. I suggested that we add the headline, date and publication) to the details of the link posting a few years back so that someone looking for that article would stand a fighting chance. We have talked about the efficacy of adding a hyperlink to the word "here" as in the story can be found here. Google doesn't find these stories in Newsbank, you have to know that o can go searching there and of course, you need to know what you’re search for.
The PD doesn’t offer a reroute to rake in the cash either, simply put story not found doesn’t add “This story has been archived – you may purchase access to the story here.” Ohio.com for Beacon Journal articles does, I believe.
Searching around the internet may become more sophisticated in the future, for now it is still making baby steps IMHO. Cleveland.com’s search function is among the most challenging.
Realneo is not the only local website plagued with this dead-end issue. Perhaps the busiest example of the link to nowhere at the PD is the Cuyahoga County Planning weblog. Go back to a previous year and almost all of what they link to is “not found”. Can this issue be remedied, Mr. Kroll?
That has been the crux of my issue in copying and posting an article in its entirety when I have done so. It was during the Breuer debacle when stories began to disappear, that I believe my frustration rose to the level where I felt I needed, once at least, to copy the article in its entirety – little bits of information and accountability were disappearing even as our BOCC was making the now admittedly stupid decisions. It looked as though the PD was saying “we take it back, we’re sorry and we take it all back”. But in reality, with persistence and patience sometimes, most times, those stories can be found thanks to the library system. It was interesting therefore that when Atlanta’s Breuer was endangered, Max Eternity didn’t contact the PD, but instead accessed a ready cache of articles here at realneo – they had not disappeared.
nice point
nice point - and I'll also ask:
what is the difference between posting a story in its entirety with proper credit
posting a story with one or two sentences missing and no credit and a link
I would think the first option would be of most benefit to all.
Killing the story
PD finally posted the link..
Yeah--I am citizenX...BBC2 was too esoteric...
Paying the Piper
If the PD doesn't go along with the plan, does it mean the piper will lead our children over a cliff?
Stop the PLAN and the MAN
Suppose you, the taxpayer, paid millions to rebuild the gym at a school, East High, only to have the Cleveland Metropolitan School District close it down??? Does that not amount to theft?
Well, the PD can't be bothered to follow the Toledo news--so here it is--Sanders is going down.
PD Poll results as of today 1/24/2010--
and totally disgusting.
Has the final decision been
Has the final decision been made about East High? Is it one of the schools to go? What will the building be used for if not for a school? What is the plan for the building? Just curious. My husband is an East High School graduate.
East High
The CMSD board meeting is late February. That is the meeting to "discuss" and approve the plan. Of course, it will be subject to change, depending on how much pressure has been applied to keep one school open while sacrificing an entire neighborhood in another area where the residents are not as affluent as the other. Just my opinion.
CMSD ? Absolute worst abuse of Public Trust?
I have to ask myself everyday...what is the absolute WORST abuse of public trust we live with everday? And, the answer would have to be the administration of the CMSD. Land Bank, Opportunity Corridor, Garbage Tax, Stormwater Tax...the abuse just continues to pile up. How much more can we take?
Yep...I feel crushed under
Yep...I feel crushed under the weight of the piles too. And our city leaders continue along the same path. Soon only businesses will be left in Cleveland, if that....residents are moving out to better communities. We are being attacked by giant fees.....HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who are the consultants?
Who are the CMSD consultants paid to present this Transformation Plan? And why does the PD lipsync their editorials??