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Let the DEMOS begin!! CMSD Facilities Plan will take down Tremont SchoolSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 12:32.
November 15, 2014
Dear Tremonsters: First allow me to point out that my wife and I have no children. What we do have is the belief that a strong, high performing elementary school is one of the keys to long term sustainability and economic growth in Tremont. Dec.2nd 6-9p.m. at OLA School 2346 W14th will be a very important date and meeting as it may very well be the last time the Tremont Community has an opportunity to weigh in and be heard. The claim by CMSD that there are only monies to demolish and rebuild may not necessarily be true. The CMSD seems to want to build new at any cost when the same ( or less) monies could be used to renovate Tremont Elementary into a state of the Art learning institution from the bricks and mortar standpoint. Further if you look at designs of the newer CMSD Schools…you may be appalled at the lack of sensitivity to design and quality of the new construction. Our voices may help this not to happen. Thank you for your attendance and your opinion regardless of which side of it falls… WE as residents and stakeholders have the right to be heard …..and this could very well be the last time. For any questions please e mail Mr. Cory Riordan, Exec. Director TWDC coryriordan [at] tremontwest [dot] org
Sammy Catania & Roberta Rocco
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Thks to Sammy C. for the heads up
Dec.2nd 6-9p.m. at OLA School 2346 W14th will be a very important date and meeting as it may very well be the last time the Tremont Community has an opportunity to weigh in and be heard.