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Justice for AJ - Leslie Maldonado sentencing march 19 - Drunken driver crashes into motorcyclist in fatal Cleveland crashSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 03/11/2015 - 14:39. - On August 25th 2014 in Cleveland Ohio at approximately 1 :10 am a fatal motorcyclist murder had taken place on Fulton Rd, On the corner of Storer Ave Involving a drunk driver named Leslie Maldonado where he struck and killed a young man ( A.J. Cuevas). A.J. was on his way home to his family after he stopped to help his friend with a paint project after work. As A.J. was leaving on his bike to head home im sure he was not prepared for what would happen next. Less then 20ft. from where A.J. started his motorcycle he was struck by an oncoming car that was speeding. A 1999 Toyota Camry belonging to Leslie Maldonado. A.J. flew more then 10ft landing on a retired couples front yard. The couple came out to see where the extremely loud "Boom" came from along with other neighbors, including the people from the church across the street. They sat and prayed with A.J. as he took his last breath on their tree lawn while waiting for EMS to respond. Maldonado then fled the scene leaving A.J. to die on a strangers grass. Later police caught and arrested Maldonado his blood-alcohol level more 7than three times higher than the legal limit. Maldonao was released on a pitiful bond not even 48 hours after killing someone. A.J.'s family not even being able to bury A.J. in peace.
Leslie Maldonado has 2 prior DUI's on from 1991 another in 1998 with other multiple charges ranging from public intoxication, drunk and disorderly all from alcohol. He was never once made to spend time behind bars for his crimes due to the system giving him second chances to keep him from loosing his job. Maldonado had his licence suspended for 6 months, and sent to a rehab for the weekend on the first DUI. Once again hes being handed a second chance.
Why? This our question to the courts : Why is Leslie Maldonado getting repeat opportunities to break the law?! The first two times weren't signs he has a problem and now the third time a young man has lost his life!
A family left to mourn, a mother and father left to bury a son, and a two year old little girl without a father. All because Leslie Maldonado decided to make bad choices and wrong decisions and have no regard for the law yet AGAIN! Im pretty sure when Maldonado woke up the morning of august 24th 2014 he didn't outright say " i think ill become a killer today!" Being an adult with prior DUI's and knowledge that drinking to 3x the legal limit and getting behind the wheel of a car could and usually does end up with a tragic death. When your that intoxicated its hard to stand, let alone operate a 1,000+ lb vehicle. You know the consequence could be injuring or possibly killing yourself or another person. which this day resulted in the tragic death of a young man that could have been avoided had Maldonado followed the law or made decisions to not drive intoxicated. If Maldonado would have gotten punished the first time he would have thought twice before driving a car under the influence again. Maybe a life would not have had to end so soon.
When will it end?! When will JUSTICE actually be served to those affected by drunk drivers?! When will the courts see this is unacceptable?!
How many innocent lives have to be taken by drunk drivers before the courts decide to take this seriously? Make the law more strict, the punishment should fit the crime ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! This needs to stop NOW!!! Innocent lives matter A.J.'s life matters!
This page is intended to get the word out, spread a message to educate the public on how UNJUST the Ohio Laws are. How lenient these police and judges are when it comes to drunk drivers. Its to take a stand and wake them up to crack down and begin to do something with this people that out here so intoxicated they cant stand yet are driving in our streets KILLING Our families, children, parents, and friends!
We are working on A.J.'s law to change all of that. If you want people to drink responsibly then you as law enforcement need to be responsible when it comes to the punishment. Ohios laws against drunk drivers are currently being investigated by 19 Action news for necessary changes and or updates , making sure they are not the same laws recognized from 1982. That is what A.J. Cuevas's family is working towards, filing to change the way this law against drunk drivers is set. With the love and support of everyone they hope to be successful in doing just that! Lets Show the world that this is not OK. Please like, share, repost this page SPREAD THE WORD! Help support this family and others effected by drunk driving.
Lets get Aj's Law into effect!! Lets show our support for A.J.'s mother and father, his sisters and brothers, his nieces and nephews, his grandmother, his friends but most of all his 3yr old daughter that is now father-less as a result of a drunk drivers bad choices.
We thank you all in advance for all the love and support u have shown Angel Louis Cuevas Jr's family during this extremely trying time.
Lets try to get some justice for A.J. Maldonado is due to be sentenced on thursday march 19,2015 at 9 :00am 19th floor court room 19D. for those who would like to come and support us you are welcome! You can also write impact statement letters to this man which may convince the judge to give him the max sentencing. Please share and write to the judge or prosecutor and let them know what was taken from all of us that day ! below are the emails to the Judge and Prosecutor as well, Support us in bringing Leslie Maldonado to justice!
JUDGE : Daniel Gaul email : cpdxg [at] cuyahogacounty [dot] us PROSECUTOR : John P Colan email jcolan [at] prosecutor [dot] cuyahoga [dot] us
Share your AJ stories or how drunk driving has affected you or something positive for the family thank you!!
AJ'S sister Tina made this web page ( ) for everyone to read and share what a good job she did Here is how you can help AJ's Family!
LIKE and SHARE on all social Media look for the buttons CLICK IT!! READ AJ's Story. COMMENT in the comment box below ( comments are monitored we are asking as hard as it is to please keep it about drunk driving or stories of AJ. NO negativity or posts about Leslie Maldonado . This is to cause change and Positivity in this trying time) EMAIL the JUDGE or prosecutor LIKE SHARE READ AND COMMENT!!!!
Sent from my iPhone Quest-News-Service-Quest-ministries-yogi-guy's blogtom-commander stacho-all you heroes - vehicle door banging noise = guns shots harresment 11:16 pm march 10, 2015 videoSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 03/11/2015 - 17:39.
hi tom - commander stacho - all you heroes -
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Justice for AJ - Leslie Maldonado sentencing march 19 - Drunken driver crashes into motorcyclist in fatal Cleveland crashSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 03/11/2015 - 14:39. - On August 25th 2014 in Cleveland Ohio at approximately 1 :10 am a fatal motorcyclist murder had taken place on Fulton Rd, On the corner of Storer Ave
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UCLA Researchers: Fukushima “not only affecting that local area, but also worldwide” — Gov’t Expert: - VIDEOSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 03/07/2015 - 15:48.
UCLA Researchers: Fukushima “not only affecting that local area, but also worldwide” — Gov’t Expert: “Immediately the Iodine-131 plume moved eastward reaching US West Coast [then] covering entire northern hemisphere… Significant concern on the safety of the population and environment worldwide” (VIDEO)
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Underwater Extraterrestrials: Declassified Russian Navy Records Say They’re Real (we encountered in navy-merchant marinesSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 21:17.
Unidentified submerged objects (USOs) are not as famous as UFOs although they are often encountered, according to declassified Russian Navy records. The common trait of all USO phenomena is that they involve unexplained and technologically advanced objects, far superior to anything we’ve ever built.
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Top 10 Vehicles For Your EMP Survival (more - read great helpfull comments - be calm - prepare - command-pray awaySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 15:15.
Thirty years ago, most of the cars used carburetors, and only a few people believed that electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a real threat. Nowadays, even NASA admits that EMP is one of those events we could not recover from: it would stop all infrastructures that sustain modern society which rely so much on electronics. No communication, to transportation, and no escape with your fancy new car out of the crowded urban jungle.
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Leslie Maldonado sentencing march 19 - Drunken driver crashes into motorcyclist in fatal Cleveland crash - angel l.cuevas, jr.Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 03/01/2015 - 00:04.
Hi Guy: Hope you and Sophia are doing good. I just wanted to let you know that Leslie Maldonado is being sentenced on March 19th at 9am. He had two more previous cases for DUI. The more we put things on social media the better. I was wondering if you could post something on Realneo about it, I would really appreciate it. We are hoping that the more that is out there, the Judge will not show him leniency. The information is below.
anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate
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