High level bridges
Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 04/07/2010 - 19:57.

Some photos recently taken in and around Tremont and Brooklyn Centre.
I know of three high level bridges that will allow you to cross the Cuyahoga River as a pedestrian or cyclist--Superior, Lorain and Harvard Ave.
It would benefit all of us to have the Clark Ave. Bridge, again.

REAL Sustainability-Bike friendly cities
The bike boulevard concept--turning underused streets into bike corridors--has already hit a road block in Austin, one of the major cities touted as "bike-friendly."
And, sure, Cleveland is now actually registered in the minds of bike advocates, as a city on the move for improving bike access (thanks most of all to Lois Moss--a woman making a difference!).
How about it? Make national news with a bike-and-pedestrian-only bridge AND bike-and-pedestrian-only boulevards?!
Sacramento builds bike-pedestrian-only high-level bridge
Why not here?--Rebuild the Clark-Pershing Bridge and heal the City of Cleveland.
Ground broken on bike and pedestrian bridge over I-80
by Linda Tucker, published on June 5, 2010 at 12:40PM
Councilmember Ray Tretheway, and community members unofficially started construction of
a bridge over Interstate 80 just for walkers, runners and bicyclists. Construction of the City’s 40th pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing gets underway in the next few weeks. A brief event was held at the construction site behind the University of Phoenix in Natomas on Gateway Oaks Drive.
“This is a fantastic day for Natomas. We are going to be able to do away with the distinction of ‘north’ and ‘south’ Natomas as soon the two will be united by this bridge,” said Councilmember Tretheway.
When completed next summer, the bridge will enable the non motoring public to connect North and South Natomas and make for a safer, faster bicycle commute to downtown. The project includes a nearly two-block-long structure over the freeway and an at-grade level bridge across the West Drainage Canal along with new connections to existing bike trails. Most of the funding, nearly 90 percent of the $6.1 million project, comes from federal grants, with the remainder from state and local gas and sales tax funds.
The City was awarded the title of a bronze level distinction as a Bicycle Friendly City by the League of American Bicyclists in 2006. We are committed to obtaining a gold level.
Additionally, Sacramento in recent years has sought recognition as one of America’s most walkable cities.
The I/80 Bike and Pedestrian Bridge Overcrossing is one of five projects in 2010 that the City is starting, if not completing, that will specifically benefit the non-motoring public.
In the last 15 years, the number of miles of bikeways and bike trails has more than doubled. On street miles totaled 121 in 1995, 140 in 2000, 195 in 2005 and 270 in 2010. Off street miles were limited to 38 in 1995. The number grew to 42 in 200, 53 in 2005 and 80 in 2010.
Find bike and trails maps and more information about the City’s bikeway and pedestrian program.
Linda Tucker is the public information officer for the City of Sacramento Department of Transportation.
Jim Sheehan admits riding 490 bridge!
Not to get my favorite cycle advocate in trouble - but Jim Sheehan has used the 490 bridge to get from East side to West side of CLE - Bike Cleveland needs to push to get funds from Opportunity Corridor redirected for a high level pedestrian-bicycle ONLY bridge connecting Clark and Pershing.
KILL the Opportunity Corridor.
Help build momentum for Red Line Greenway
From Rotary of Cleveland:
Rotary Club of Cleveland and Cleveland Metroparks Red Line Greenway (RLG) received notice last night that it will receive a $2,080,000 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant in 2020. The news came from Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) Executive Director Grace Gallucci who encouraged the original grant application. The funds will be used for Phase 1 of this transformative project that will connect eight diverse neighborhoods on Cleveland’s near west side with a three mile long world-class linear park and trail. The RLG will open what is today a hidden 60 acre urban oasis to thousands of families and children providing a safe place to play, meet and commute.
The total estimated cost of the project is $13 million with phases 1 and 2 totaling $5.7 million. A start date for construction depends on when additional funding is secured.
Rotary is beginning its 39th year of grooming the rapid site. We are creating a web site, maps and informational materials in addition to providing ongoing maintenance and development of the site. Much remains to be done but this exciting funding news strengthens our commitment to the project and renews the dream of hundreds of Rotarians who have worked to make this project a reality.
Trail Development Manager
Midwest Regional Office
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
NOACA prioritize I-490 trail connection
Bike Cleveland proposes that during this major rehabilitation project of I-490, ODOT should use the opportunity to make a robust, separated trail connection between Broadway Avenue and W7th Street. This is a straight-line connection across the valley that would connect multiple neighborhoods together, and provide riders with an efficient and safe passage to their next destination. The project scope already includes reconstruction of the interchange ramps at W7th Street and Broadway Ave, so this is a major opportunity that should not be missed. It would serve to link the to the Towpath Trail and future Downtown Connector Trail in Slavic Village.
Projects like this are happening on interstates and highways across the country. A few examples include: Interstate 580, Interstate 66, Interstate 5, and the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.
Dear Mitch Scheider
Now that these levies passed - hope Mitchell Schneider will support Share the River vision for waterfront access. CVSRR stop at Steelyard was promised long ago- Chris Ronayne - Jim Ridge has worked so hard to bring national attention to CLE waterfront. CVSRR needs FREE parking access to a stop that would also build commerce - think outfitter shop/hotel. CVSRR trailhead should stop at Steelyard before any long term plans to connect to Tower City. NOTE: People put their kayaks aboard the train to float downstream. I shouldn't have to point that out, but a lot of folks don't understand watersheds. :)
From Crain's Cleveland Editorial https://www.crainscleveland.com/editorials/crains-editorial-money-well-spent
Less well-known, but no less important to the region, is the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, which is seeking renewal of a five-year, 0.13-mill levy. If passed, the tax would take effect in 2024.
It's a modest ask, amounting to $2.72 per $100,000 in assessed value, and it goes toward maintaining funding for capital expenses and general operations at the Port of Cleveland. The port authority receives a little less than $3 million from the levy each year. Voters recently supported levy renewals in 2013 and 2017.
Will Friedman, president and CEO of the port authority, noted this summer that the organization is able to leverage local tax dollars at a 3:1 ratio with additional state and federal grant dollars, bringing more money into the community.
The pandemic hit the port authority hard, of course, as commerce worldwide was disrupted. But it bounced back strong in 2021, with a 69% increase in tonnage across its docks. That year, it reported handling 6.9 million metric tons of bulk materials, such as iron ore and limestone, and 649,324 metric tons — the second-highest figure of the last 10 years, slightly behind 2015 — of general cargo including steel, containers, salt and cement. Cargo's not necessarily a sexy business, but efficient ports are vital for businesses looking for ways to resolve supply-chain issues.
The port authority estimates its work supports more than 20,000 jobs here, with significant spillover economic impact. The local economy is unimaginable without it, and voters should act accordingly by supporting the levy renewal.