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Guy Templeton Black named "Community Hero 2010", Jerleen Justus complimented by clevelandcitizenechoesonline.comSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 00:09.
I hadn't read about this honor given to one of our own, but ran across it and thought I'd bring it to your attention in case you missed it too. I had never read Unfortunately, he seems to have quit writing, I don't find anything current. In another area he made refernce to another of Jerleen's articles in the Plain Press and praised her writing, saying: The Plan Press published an article that I feel should be read by all who are concerned about possible underhanded practices used in other development Corp. that may resemble what Tremont citizens are in an uproar about at TWDC. The article, dated December 2008, and titled “ Housing Gestapo still on the loose,” is a powerful message written by Jerleen Justus. PLEASE click here to read But I digress, back to Guy: January 6, 2009 However absent from the list are the "Heroes" of social justice among citizens working to bring it about in every Cleveland ward. Politicians (not all) often view these people as antagonists, trouble makers to be ignored and hopefully become so discouraged from the back turning, they retreat into self and curse the system forevermore. Every once in a while, I read about one of these "Heroes" in the PD…in articles after their deaths and wonder why…why didn’t the PD focus on their community passions while they where alive. What an insult to these citizens who was motivated to step forth and try to do what politicians should should have been doing years ago. WHY? The PD " Community Heroes 2010" articles encouraged me to fill in the gap. And center attention on citizens who are not discouraged by political indifferences. And is holding on to their passions concerning civic issues that need attention and assistance from others in the community in bringing change about for the betterment to all citizens. It is hard to pinpoint one out of so many citizens working on civic issues, but like the Rotten Tomato Award given to Cummins, other politicians deserve the same. I do not wish to slight any citizen working on issues in the struggle to raise the banner of democracy higher in City Hall. My choice for "Community Hero 2010" involved in civic affairs is Guy Templeton Black, a Tremont resident involved in working on community changes that enhances living conditions for all citizens in Tremont. I am requesting the PD to write an article about Black’s involvement in the community struggle to become a beacon (Tremont) for democracy. The PD has received copies of all my articles and open letters. Hey guy’s, it’s not about me, it’s all about Guy Templeton Black, a citizen that may be on Councilman Joe Cimperman’s list of what…antagonists prodding him into producing fruitful works for Tremont residents. * * * * * January 25, 2009 The PD "Community Heroes 2010" articles encouraged me to fill in the gap. The PD did not respond. Not surprising. Maybe Chris Garland has something good to say about Guy Templeton Black. He is the Executive Director of the Tremont West Development Corporation. Black was a candidate for the Board of Trustees three times. I am encouraging Garland to write something positive about Black in an email I am sending him the same day this open letter goes out to Cleveland citizens. * * * * Two open letters ago dated, the first Jan. 6, I encouraged the PD to write something positive about Guy Templton Black. Well, I guess they couldn’t find anything "acceptable" to write. So in my last letter date, Jan. 25, I encouraged Chris Garland Executive Director of the Tremont West Development Corporation, to write something decent about Black. Well, after two e-memo reminders, Garland may have found himself in a dilemma responding. Because Black in considered to be one of those troublemakers (activist) many upstanding, law abiding citizens in Tremont support. Garland may have wanted to say something nice about Black; but City Hall officials would not tolerate such behavior. TWDC personnel like the staff in some other (not all) development centers are in the firm hands of City Hall officials who’s frowns can turn coffee breaks into dismal chit-chats for those who dare to speak freely. I felt Black should have been showcased by professional journalists at the PD, or someone at TWDC who for a time, can set aside indifferences and concentrate on the human side of this citizen. Who is just one of many citizens in the Tremont community, active in civic affairs that may compliment the work done on the house (now a travel site) where "A Christmas Story" was filmed. And most of all, fight for the rights of the elderly (all residents) to live in the homes of their childhood or places they call home. An activist writer who’s writings I gravitate to is Jerleen Justus, a Tremont resident and contributor of essays to the Plain Press. This person knows better then I in writing about Black’s involvement in the community. The address below to an article Justus wrote about two years ago. Black is still making headline news among Tremont residents…I need not add anything further other than to urge…click below…
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Guy and Jerleen
Two of the best!