Gross Misrepresentation:Tea-bagging, right-wing website gets called out

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 00:07.

Max Etenrity - Considering some of the debates that have taken place in recent days on this site in regards to Progressives locally, nationally and internationally, who have pointed out President Obama's shortcomings, I provide a copy of the following comment that I posted in response to some wild-eyed right-wing website that has posted one of my articles to propogate their message of hate.  This misfortune can happen to anyone, so one who believes in honest reporting must be ever vigilant to set the record(s) straight.  In response to said website's misappropriation of my words I write:

To the Public-at-large and the Administrator of this site:

I am Max Eternity and I do not endorse the views of the website.

I am a life-long Progressive, who supports the Presidency of Barack Obama. I voted for Obama, and would make that same decision again in a repeat situation.

I do not [always] agree with President Obama. Nevertheless, my object criticism of President Obama, is in no way to be misinterpreted as an endorsement to the Republican Party, Tea-Baggers or the Christian-Right, as I abhor all three said organizations...this being triple-true for FOX News and anything to do with Rupert Murdoch.

I did not support Reagan or either Bush, and I'm proud to say so.

Furthermore, I find the caricature of the American President--any American President--as illustrated above, in very poor taste. And I would like to make it abundantly clear that though I am an artist, this is not my artwork.

In short, my objective analysis of a President whom I support and believe in, has been hijacked by this website for reasons that I absolutely, positively do not approve of, endorse, or wish to be affiliated with.

That said, I now request to the webmaster of this site, that my article be removed or at the very least permanently attached with this comment representing a disclaimer.


( categories: )

eternity on a right wing site?

what -not-a surprise

More smart-ass comments, suprise, surprise...however

...thanks for exposing the fact that you (and in saying YOU, it's already been outed who YOU really are) are pleased to lie and distort as always.

It's what Republicans and Blue-dog war-mongers do, lie and twist words around to facilitate their bankrupt morality.

And like the mindlocked troll you are, here you arrive like clockwork showing up first to hijack the comments, because you lack the will, intelligence, integrity and imagination  to work for yourself--stand on your own two feet. 

Instead, in typical parasitic form, you leech and suck on others. 

Too, what's so wonderful about your ilk is that in your self-importance you honestly believe in your own grandiosity---like Glen Beck, Sarah Palin et all.  Yet like that kind of disturbed personality, all one of that mentality can ever be is a distorter of facts, practicing theatre with other people's lives--a reckless, careless, ill-minded usurper.

Nevertheless, the record has already been set straight and your continued FOX News, tea-bag, con-game FAILS again.







you know, here's the thing-

 you know, here's the thing- what all of this current brouhaha on RealNEO boils down to is some of the progressive liberals want to accept what is coming from Obama, are cautious of any criticism and fear we will lose traction if we complain.

Others feel it is important (essential?) to continue the full progressive agenda - including criticism and demand more.

The question is - who is telling whom to shut up?

And beyond whatever any particular...

...person has to say, it clearly states at the top of each an every page @ RealNeo that:

"...We are an open, free social network of a non-profit cooperative of people - REAL.COOP - interested in arts and culture, economy, education, environment, health and technology. REALNEO has a focus on North East Ohio - NEO - but REAL.COOP has global membership and perspectives..."

So, when a person or persons seek to kill-the-messenger for sharing their view in posts, are those individuals keeping with the mission of this site and organization?

Furthermore, why does it seem that the leadership here is in absentia?

One person can't deal with all this, so where is the governing board, and why isn't there adequate protocols and enforcements in place?

To this, like most co-ops and non-profits, is anyone getting paid to do all the essentials? 

It's nice to have warm and fuzzy moments, and yet that doesn't put money in the bank, nor is it a good way to attract quality talent.

Some will come and stay for a while, but ultimately such a set up will tend to function in a lowest common denominator position.

Additionally, regardless of the cause, if individuals offer their erudition and career specialties--beyond opinion--so as to increase the attractiveness and overall success of a social activist organization like RealNeo, they should receive compensation.

This is the way co-ops and non-profits work. 

Successful activist organization require paid professional employees who keep things running smoothly.  To this, there can be occasional volunteers (some paid and some not) who pitch in a few hours here and there when they can.  Interns and other contributors can add their input, speaking and writing freely on whatever they like, so far as it falls within the stated mission and guidelines.

Yet all told, what has been stated herein can not just exist in writing or rhetoric, it has to exist in everyday practice.

It has to work, or the project will become stagnant or worse.

Welcome to the planet.


Co-ops and non-profit

Co-ops and non-profit community groups waste a lot of money I think.  For example, I was fortunate to get my home painted by Rebuilding Cleveland Together.  Now this group gets donations and the idea is great, help people get needed work done on their homes.  The problem is that since the work is done mainly by volunteers there may or in my case may not be enough volunteers to complete the job.  My house was not finished because I have a double house and the volunteers were not able to get to the top of the house to paint the overhang which was what needed paint the most since the rest of the house has siding.  I was told that someone would come back to finish it if the weather held up this year, which it didn't, or next Spring.  But, I wonder if the big bucket of opened paint that was left here will be good come Spring.  If not that was a waste of paint.  Also, we asked if they could clean and stablilize our gutters while they had the ladders and the help but that also didn't happen.  So, my point, after this long story, is that sometimes the money that is given to these non-profits goes to waste.  If the money that was spent was given to the homeowner along with the donated supplies the homeowner could have paid a neighbor, a friend, or a friend of a friend in the community to do the work and it probably would have gotten done a lot quicker and a lot less costly.  I fear that too many of these non-profit community groups are earning their livelihood off of the poor and not delivering the goods.  My suggestion would be to keep the money in the community that it was meant to help and stop giving it away to people that don't even live here.

Revisiting the comment...

...entitled "you know, here's the thing..." one first finds the remark "The question is - who is telling whom to shut up?" 

In response to that censorship related question, a comment was thereafter posted "And beyond whatever particular..." which one will find that the majority of that comment relates to leadership and protocol @ RealNeo, using at the heart of the dialog this statement which happens to be posted at the top of every page @ RealNeo:

"...We are an open, free social network of a non-profit cooperative of people - REAL.COOP - interested in arts and culture, economy, education, environment, health and technology. REALNEO has a focus on North East Ohio - NEO - but REAL.COOP has global membership and perspectives..."

As the comment continues, it speaks in general terms about how other non-profits and co-ops around the world  operate, whether that be for instance the Humane Society, Natural Food Market co-op, Habitat for Humanity or the Red Cross.

The financial aspect of operating a citizen operated organization is but one part of the total equation, not just as applicable to Real co-op, but to any NGO of the non-profit persuasion.

Money is a good thing put to good use.  However, on its own, it cannot be expected to solve all problems.  Leadership, organization, management, education, technology and other measures must be in place as well.

Neglect, misappropriation and other forms of unsavory administration isn't the fault of people that are paid fairly for the work they do.  It's an ethical problem that must be addressed as it pertains to each specific instance, lest such thinking and behavior become system-wide. 

Imperfections exist, and yet professionals around the world have and continue to work together to operate co-ops and non-profits everyday, getting paid, under good leadership, with successful results that serve the greater good--fulfilling their mission(s).


If it were true that

If it were true that non-profits and other co-ops are "serving the greater good" then why is so much messed up in Cleveland, not greater Cleveland, but in the inner city of Cleveland since there has been quite a bit of money allocated to 'fix' the problems.  It is obvious that something is not working as it was meant to work.  It is obvious that something is wrong when money is being used but the problems continue to exist, and sometimes even get bigger.  Not everyone that is poor is stupid. 

Revisiting the comment [again] in question... quickly realizes (read above thread) that the point being made relates not to Clevelands own intrenched socio-political corruption, instead speaking to functioning modalities proven effective for operating co-ops and non-profits that have good governance.

As well, in the follow-up comment, found here, it clearly states that:

The financial aspect of operating a citizen operated organization is but one part of the total equation, not just as applicable to Real co-op, but to any NGO of the non-profit persuasion.

Money is a good thing put to good use.  However, on its own, it cannot be expected to solve all problems.  Leadership, organization, management, education, technology and other measures must be in place as well.

Neglect, misappropriation and other forms of unsavory administration isn't the fault of people that are paid fairly for the work they do.  It's an ethical problem that must be addressed as it pertains to each specific instance, lest such thinking and behavior become system-wide. 

Imperfections exist, and yet professionals around the world have and continue to work together to operate co-ops and non-profits everyday, getting paid, under good leadership, with successful results that serve the greater good--fulfilling their mission(s).



People who ask for help from non-profits should not to work so hard to obtain the work or to get it finished. Granted, we has a really wet fall. To get them back to finish it, you will need to start requesting the assistance in February to get back at the top of the list.

Programs are written from the top down, and funded by the top down, and you are right that it is more about employing staff than getting the programs into the hands of the residents. In this case, Eternity is correct about the other pieces that need to be in place, especially about good leadership. That also means good leadership in the non-profit and the non-profit board.

Be the squeaky wheel. Go get your grease, girl!

Hope that the holiday season is going well for you, W14R. Rest up. Plans those shade and sun garden spots, tall and short plant area. You have a lot of work ahead this spring.


dwebb, I will plan.  My

dwebb, I will plan.  My granddaughter is living upstairs now and her baby is due at the end of January.   She just got a new puppy too.  Lot's of new life.  Spring will be a good time to get the yard ready and having a new baby in the house will help motivate me.  I am hoping my granddaughter will want to help with the yard work too, she likes to have things looking pretty...and she has youth on her side. 

Have a very blessed Christmas. 


i'm just going

to go hang out with my little boys....

they don't bicker so much...

ANyone have a snotty response to tHAt???? cOMeon.....!

Peace to all this Christmas

Peace to all this Christmas season.