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Gerrymandering 2013...Ward Boundary Wars in Cleveland....Deprivation of Public Input by CitizensSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 05:42.
angelnward14 post to the link .....gerrymandering again.....what is the key to their choices???? They are attempting to insure that every ward has enough quotas in it to sustain funding practices from HUD for CDBG funds and much's a quota game.... if they screw it up...they lose those big funds which support the Community Development and Neighborhood Stabilization Programs...etc... Ward 14 does have a minority caucasian people are a minority in the ward...(Just my opinion as there were over 80% other than whites living in Ward 14 for over the last decade!) This city has made it an art to disenfranchise; confuse; and gerrymander boundaries at so many's unreal. With the confusion and changes; there's always an excuse as to why our federal funds are steered out of our the time that gets figured out--they change it again and again. It's a political nightmare here....confusion that makes citizens chase their tales and as in this case---denies public input to MAJOR changes in city issues...When are these unethical practices going to end???? NEVER...Cleveland thrives off the hidden agendas that sustain funding by grouping and using citizens and neighborhoods as tools to receive funding which they in turn can steer to their buddies in CDC's etc. Backroom deals at their best....the citizens are nothing but pawns in their political agendas... ....all relevant to their Master Plans for the 2020 Vision of Cleveland at the City Planning Commission....
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Slavery in Cleveland...Public servants using citizens as tools
Pawns---that we citizens become as long as we don't speak up....and when we do--there's tons of underhanded political retaliation right down to our property taxes being changed from approximately $300 a year to over $2,000/ that's truly extraordinary! WOW.............
Keep steering people out of the'll soon have your public parks and housing stock diminished for your 2020 Vision of Cleveland via the Master Plans outlined in the City of Cleveland Planning Commission....
Always Appreciative,
Ward 14 update- from Henry Senyak
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