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Everything Is Much Worse Than You Think - ask your self this - are you more likley to be infected or beheaded (not obama faultSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 10/17/2014 - 15:10.
SIS / Muslin Extremists / Beheadings / Terrorists / Open Borders See a common thread? The biggest threats on our immediate horizon overlap and domino. Never have we faced with such monumental challenges.
Instead, ebola took center stage over ISIS, probably because this deadly threat has pierced our nonexistent borders and landed in our healthy Country. Initially, Obama must have rubbed his hands in glee. It took the world's eyes off his do-nothing policies regarding savage Muslim extremists chopping and lopping heads. As someone else duly noted, all Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists have been Muslim. That is exceedingly uncomfortable for our Grief-in-Chief to acknowledge. Since he finds it difficult to call a terrorist what he or she truly is, ebola must have been seen as a welcome, if short-lived, diversion. That is, until on this issue too, Obama became quite flaccid. In his limp-leader style doing his best to circumvent work and intel briefings, another mess landed in his lap – possible megabank collapses. This scenario has never before slid off the lips of the Big Boys – not in the take-it-seriously mode because they had bank bailouts. Yes, a small bank here or there went out of business, but others were shored up with countless billions in bailouts. Several rounds of them. How close this event must be for them to consider it, let alone practice how to deal huge financial institution failures! Obama must be quivering in his golf shoes. Any of the aforementioned 'tribulations' requires him to don big boy knickers. Since 18 to 20 world governments are looking at big bank failures as a possibility, then it is a matter of time before it becomes reality. There's little they've practiced for that hasn't come to pass and a LOT they've ignored that slammed us in the backside. While bank bail-outs are out, bank bail-ins are on the table. Think it can't happen? The precedence set in Cypress last year was no fluke. Cypriot banks seized up to 40% of customer deposits.1 Their toes tested the water for the rest of the world. Banks closed for 2 weeks to prevent customers from "draining their accounts as politicians scrambled to come up with a plan to raise enough funds for Cyprus to qualify for 10 billion euros ($12.9 billion) in bailout loans for its stricken banking sector".2 People stood in line 6 HOURS to find they could only withdraw €300 or $383 per person per day. No checks could be cashed and if leaving the country, they could only take a paltry €1,000 or roughly $1,250. That wouldn't buy much of a trip. BANK FAILURE, HEART FAILURE? If this article doesn't shatter rosy glasses, nothing will.
We've had so many, many warnings to get ready in all arenas – physically, spiritually, mentally. Numerous, major natural disasters remind us Earth is a fragile piece of real estate; economic dips and slips send tremors throughout global markets (at one point yesterday, the Dow plunged more than 460 points – a true Pepto-Bismol day); new or formerly 'dead to America' diseases are coming ashore; food is poisoned by GMOs, pesticides, aspartame, etc; and government stripped a record $3 TRILLION from our wallets in taxes this year. The list of dramas and traumas is longer than Walmart lines stampeding for the latest Christmas toy. Government tries to dictate our lives, invades every aspect of privacy, strips away our dignity and rips away Constitutional rights. They strive to replace decency with the unthinkable. When a Texas city – God-fearing TEXAS – issues "subpoenas demanding pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor"4 – you know the world is upside down. Ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court. This is insanity. Had the bilious conditions we are now forced to swallow been instituted overnight instead of incrementally, its authors would have been met with a lead-lined 'howdy'. Martial law and FEMA camps would surely characterize America. Regardless of political persuasion, people are getting it. Even the 'sleepy Sadies' are waking to the rude screech of an imploding world. Nearly everyone sees that the America we knew just a decade ago has vanished. Believers know we are at the brink of Tribulation, maybe 2 toes in. Non-believers see the globe is a mess and are waiting for the hammer to slam. A new poll released Oct. 15, finds 58% of voters feel things in the world are “going to hell in a handbasket.” That includes nearly half of Democrats (48%) and majorities of independents (61%) and Republicans (71%).5 That is extraordinarily ugly for Obama — and Americans! We're the ones who have to live with his 'fundamental transformation of America' for another two years. Heaven only knows what shape this Country will be in by then… MORE Oct 16 anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate
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