Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 14:13.
The Ohio State Auditor's Office has put East Cleveland back into fiscal emergeny (click to link to Auditor's site).

I ask President Obama and candidate Mitt Romney to make a campaign stop in front of the East Cleveland home in the October 5, 2012 image above - not to explain what they are going to do about it - but rather to explain how it happens that an American city like East Cleveland, Ohio, can desolve into ruin before our eyes - leaving neighbor's with worthless properties too. (Mitt & Barach - just email me for the street adress)
How does this happen in the USA? What's REALLY going on here? What is the TRUTH? Are we all mislead?
I know how it happened in Hiroshima, Japan and Dresden, Germany, but how did it happen in East Cleveland (and Cleveland, Maple Heights, Detroit, Buffalo, etc., etc.)?