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Is Cuyahoga County a Globally Business Friendly Community?Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 23:06.
Below is an email that I received regarding Cuyahoga County asking the question, "CAN WE COMPETE GLOBALLY? What is your opinion on this subject matter in light of historically business unfriendly issues in combination with the changes to our local government structure to the new Charter? What things do you believe will make our community more globally attractive to business investors at all levels? How do you feel about the small business entreprenuers in our community? Just curious what input can be shared to support a better future of business in Northeast Ohio. See the email below. Dear Concerned Cuyahoga County Citizens,
Can we compete globally? Not now. See Thanks! Sincerely, Al Oberst Subject: We MUST make the New Cuyahoga County More Business Friendly=Compete and Collaborate
Dear Concerned Citizen of Cuyahoga County,
Did you happen to see the cartoon in the January 10, 2011 CRAINS CLEVELAND BUSINESS? The caption on the cartoon is "it takes two to tango, my friend...." The picture shows a lady labeled COUNTY CORRUPTION holding out her greasy hand to BUSINESS. This is a obviously the the current problem with the image of County government. All of us together can make a tremendous difference. The Council on Competitiveness in Washington, DC. Has recently published two pertinent publications on the solution to the bad image of our County government. Please check out You will note "Collaborate:Leading Regional Clusters and "2010 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index." Please take time to read these important publications. When I was with the County Economic Development Department I attended their meetings. With this in mind read an editorial in the CRAINS dated 30 November 2009 titled "Get it right". When I was on my soap box campaigning for the County Council in District 10 I quoted this article with a biblical quote "take heed". This editorial ends up with 'Won't Get fooled again' by the Who:' 'Meet the new boss -same as the old boss' "That would be failure by any measure." So far this editor is a prophet in our own time. Let us all make sure we do not have more of the same corruption as usual. We must all collaborate together with Jay Miller's and CRAIN'S guidance. I plan on following up with sharing my experiences from my positions with the City of Cleveland and County Economic Development. The titles are: "Where we lost our Competitiveness in the Past" and "Past, Present and the predictions." I pray they do not come true. Pray for Cuyahoga County. Al@
Albert Knute Oberst, JD Merci Lafayette French and American Alliance
In GOD we Trust/One Nation Under GOD
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Cuyahoga County Economic Development Update #2
As promised, here is the 2nd of three articles about Cuyahoga County's Economic Development. According to several studies
our County is ranked near the lowest in
economic development competitiveness. Only Detroit was lowest among the top 50 cities. A Cleveland State University study for example examined the reasons.
Having worked in Economic Development Departments with Cleveland and Cuyahoga County governments, I have some insider views and opinions. Taking our region on this global basis we are in serious trouble. This most likely will continue.
However, with the team of County Executive Ed Fitzgerald and the newly appointed County Economic Development Director Larry Benders there is great hope.
We must give Larry Benders our support.
As former Mayor and Governor George Voinovich has stated, we need the public and private sectors to work closely together
to assure this support. We must once again make our region business friendly.
According to the Council of Competitiveness' Report
the key areas for our County to work on
are "favorable labor climate, quality labor force, and cost competitiveness.," etc
Having worked at Jones and Laughlin Steel (aka LTV) back in the early '60s. Part of my job, as an Industrial Engineer, was to analyze why we lost our competitive position. Well, the main reason was we lost out to foreign competition after the 158 day long steel strike. Now Cleveland has the steel shipped in from all over the Globe in direct competition with our local steel mills.
Work in Northeast Ohio (see ) has the solutions.
Larry Benders must be able to call on this and the other great organizations to help
reverse the trend. WINOC can help reverse
all the road blocks that exist. Our mighty labor force that existed during the '40s and '50s can be revitalized.
As we read in the PD the Cleveland population is below 400,000. I can remember when it was nearly 900,000.
Cleveland alone once had 220,000 manufacturing jobs. Now there is about
60,000. The number one cause of this
tragic decline is an unfavorable labor climate. Let us all get together to reverse this trend.
President Obama was in Cleveland to assure us we can compete. Working together in Northeast, Ohio can make the difference.
My next article is going to cover what went wrong in the past and what we must do to win in the future. Let us all get behind Larry Benders and the economic development teams.
My prayers are with Larry Benders and his great opportunity.
Thank you for your time and contributions to a great cause!!
GOD bless! Al@
Albert K. Oberst, JD
Fitzgerald and HOPE?
Hope you are right Dianna--but I have my doubts given some of Fitzgerald's top staff picks---notably Matt Carroll, who I have lost all respect for after his stint running the City Health Department and the criminal disregard for conditions reported on Imperial Ave.
Also, as it has been noted elsewhere--Cindy Bialowas continues to supervise at the Board of Revision...
FitzGerald has hired Nailah Byrd, a former federal prosecutor, as the county's first inspector general and -- in a master stroke of symbolism -- installed her in the office of disgraced former Auditor Frank Russo....He has dismissed, for cause, tainted and underqualified county workers whose jobs depended on whom they knew, not what they could do.
NOt much of a master stroke when he has yet to remove Cindy from her position. How is it that she was/is one of Russo's most trusted Administrators. She was an ENFORCER for Russo. Just like Samir and Santina.
In fact this paper ran a story in September 2010,
Cuyahoga County Auditor Frank Russo appoints sister of his housemate to share supervision at the Board of Revision
Cindy Bialowas has worked for Auditor Frank Russo for at least 20 years. She is the sister of Russo's housemate, Michael Calabrese. Russo recently appointed Bialowas to share supervision of the Board of Revision. (With no appraisal or Real Estate experience)
Why is she still working for the county. She is and Administrator witht he qualifications of being related to Michael. Thats it. She can be removed with or with out cause.
What does she know or have on Fitzgerald that keeps her in the position she received based on corruption, greed, intimidation, campaigning etc.
Mr. Fitzgerald has indeed removed employees from the payroll, but leaves this most glaring left over of corruption in place.
Well, apparently, they must think that she and her training & experience under the regime is "top notch" or they wouldn't have subjected many of us to her remaining in her position. It's one of Cuyahoga County Taxpayers hugest SLAPS IN THE FACE from all the corruption to keep her in any relevant position unless she was one of the SNITCHES that helped get RUSSO removed or unless RUSSO CUT A DEAL TO KEEP HER THERE.... Come on Laura, this is all political... and to recall hearing her say that Auditor Russo never made exceptions for the errors in that office is yet another joke....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Around the country, there
Around the country, there have been a few cases of people winning--or reversing--foreclosure cases where there were significant flaws in the process. The people who've persevered so far were able to prove that their rights were violated in a significant way in the process. Can you do that? Can you do that in a way that treats the people in the legal and administrative systems with respect? If I were to consider a potential client, I'd think twice about taking someone on when I saw them villifying others on the Internet.
Any legal or administrative claimant needs to ask herself: What were my real losses? Honestly. What is the out-of-pocket figure? Don't inflate it. If you can't show real damages ($$), don't even dream about getting some kind of reimbursement for your aggravation, distress, blah, blah, blah. What remedy might be possible? Has there been a tax sale or foreclosure sale?It's best to come to court with relatively clean hands. Were there failures of yours along the way? It looks as if you are saying that you were not properly notified of proceedings against your home, no? $7,000.00 is a lot of tax in Cleveland. How many years' worth?
Look--I'm not saying to not fight--there are probably pressure points. If you have nothing better to do with your time, then fight this. You--more than anyone--knows what took place over the many, many months it took for the process to wrap up. You--know what you did, or didn't, do. Learn the right lessons, here.
Okay...I apologize...
For being peeved, distressed, disgusted, totally discouraged by such actions, and hurt by such typical unethical behaviors in Cuyahoga County. I apologize for taking it personally when I believe (know in my heart) that our entire populace has been tragically victimized; well at least the ones who were not "connected" to fix their little problems.... I apologize for not having a law degree to defend my 14th Amendment rights. I apologize for not being able to hold my tongue when I have tried to politely redress it while cleaning up the wrath of messes and trick bags that it put me into... get it.... I apologize for losing my cool on those totally awesome people who ran our county into the ground.........with their corruption!
I apologize that someone (COUNTY EMPLOYEE) transcribed my info inaccurately and YES I missed out on "DUE PROCESS"... which cost me THOUSANDS in addition to already fraudulently appraised property taxes. I apologize that I was just an ignorant hillbilly who didn't understand that my property taxes were not AUTOMATICALLY in line with the purchase price of my home. (They were almost 3 times the purchase price due to fraud before I ever bought it!) Yet, that's an entirely different part of the story. I apologize for not being so caught up in life that I missed the realities of the nickels and dimes that were being double taxed in my life. I am sorry I could not simply afford to simply pay fraudulently inflated taxes. Yet, if I want to keep my home, then I will have to pay them...insulting. I apologize that I couldn't just afford to "make this go away" and "pay it off"...because researching it brought to light so much collusion, corruption, and fraudulently inflated appraisals by this county that it's been such an amazing journey...had I understood the technical parts of the litigation while I was asking for help from every resource in NEO that allegedly represents low income families----or had I understood that by simply "calling" those agencies that I was "FULFILLING" a "QUOTA" for their not for profit companies...but never getting direct assistance.... perhaps I would have thought differently...Yet, I apologize that I actually believed in this county, the system, and the law....BOY WAS I IGNORANT.... and now that I have exhausted my energies, been railroaded, and reacted to the best of my abilities at the time....
My child simply has not deserved the UNDUE STRESS, LIFE CHANGES, and LOST TIME caused by reacting to this one case...but of course...had I known then, what I know now...I would have simply borrowed the money and fixed the problem up front... yet, I never anticipated I'd be taken for this ride of a our beloved local government!!!!
...and I suppose that there are countless other families feeling the same exact way....(unless of course they have benefited from such corruption!)
Oh, I apologize that I took it personally when MULTIPLE lawyers flat out told me that to fight this would be to "ostricize" their careers because you simply don't go against the grain in Cuyahoga County... or better said " YOU DON'T CRAP WHERE YOU EAT!" Basically, I was told in no uncertain terms that despite the FACTS of the case...that no lawyer would dedicate the "RESOURCES" to presenting those facts for less than what was owed in taxes.... Comical... No one wanted to do the right thing in this matter....Just keep sending me on wild goose chases to unbelievable incompetent and often times unprofessional agencies who are getting MILLIONS in federal funding to help families save their homes.... (I apologize for being humored by the amazing maze of connections that are supported by this system which benefits from the low income families in distress...)
I say that these lawyers of Cuyahoga County have become a bunch of collusive behind kissers....who are too afraid to do the right thing and speak out against the corruption... but then again---since it has become a way of life in NEO to work collusively... I guess it was a survival method along the way....
I just hope that with the NEW CHARTER GOVERNMENT in place...some of these NEW people will begin to make right countless social injustices along the way! I pray.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
At Easter, let's remember
At Easter, let's remember Dolly Parton
and her words: "Honey, get off the cross, cause somebody else needs the wood". You ran an effective, grassroots campaign for the highest office in one of the largest counties in the country, didn't you? When did you, or your family, become such whiners? Get a grip. Don't be such a victim. Your mother, and her mother, fought for themselves and their children. Do you think a lawyer who has studied and paid for seven years of education should work cheap? YOU are not helpless. I know the kinds of WORK your FAMILY have done to make their lives better for themselves and their children. And, it didn't involve keyboards, lips, tongues and jaws. Stop. You have a fine mind. Use it. Stop associating 24 hours a day with people who don't know the rigors of a 40 hour week, 52 weeks a year.
The last time I saw your mother, one of the last things we spoke of, she asked if I thought she could go to nursing school. I told her yes, but only if she started "now". Moments prior, her husband had hailed her from their son's trailer by shooting a gun into the air, drunkenly. I knew her in ways you will only imagine. She would have been proud of your candidacy. I was. Build your life. Brace yourself. St. Paul, in prison at Rome and facing death, commanded us to "gird our loins". I believe in you. And that is all I require of yourself. I ask for nothing else. Remember--good things are worth waiting for, great things are worth working for. Life is hard. Life will try us dearly in ways we would never seek out. That's the deal. That's life. (I hear Sinatra now.)
do two wrongs make a right?
Not trying to be a judge and jury, like a few that posts on here - when one posts that someone didnt do their job, and call out for them to correct it, you would have to believe that indeed, the 'victim' had tried already to fix the problem with that person, in private - to no avail.
So, when 'A' seemed to have hurt (or tried to) another's reputation, it might have been in fact a last stand there to try to right a wrong, get some relief to the costly problem.
However, if she was wrong, one could excuse that because SHE had been injured.
I fail to see where you are coming from. IMO here you are, seeming to (or trying to) hurt another's reputation and or feelings, and you have nothing to gain, nor have you lost anything personal. You weren't a victim - so I seen no need for you to 'assist' if indeed, that is what you are tryig to do, in public, on a bb. Hummm, doesnt seem like a winner post to me GBW, if you had issues you thought you could be of assistance with, an email to that person might have been in order first.
Unless, you did try, and A isn't good at replying to emails, as too, that is a good possiblility.
At any rate, too much information, coming down too hard for an answer IMO, and no real answer to the problem she faces at hand.
Have a nice day, and for Easter, "doing to others what you would want to have done to you" and "Love your brother as great as yourself"
along with if you are going to really offer some type of personal advice, please sign your work. She has and the GBW would have more credit if there were a name instead.
See, she does get to whine, she isn't causing another harm, fraud or injury/death. Would you disagree? People have the right to be themselves, as long as none of the "isn't causing another harm, fraud or injury/death" details are not an issue, NO?
Love makes the world go around, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
SavCash...much appreciative!
Look, I know who GBW is...have since his first post by sheer insight and gut feeling. It's okay... I am really used to that mentality more than words could ever say.... I hurt not because of those attempts of the working man to brush off the reality of corruption...Them lawyers do work hard for their money....They've earned the right to be so high and mighty....
Don't worry about the "judgment" you noted. No harm, no foul. As you clearly stated, my contact info is readily available and he (AS A FAMILY MEMBER) could have shared all that privately. I even sent him an email via Realneo and asked him to contact me via email. No action... (I didn't reply to your email before b/c it was personal and had nothing to do with you, so please note that.) Yet, he chose to confront things on RN.....
I ran for that public office to expose the underground garbage that our citizens have been subjected to for generations. I ran to exploit the truth of their corruption. I ran to highlight those social injustices amidst those dog & pony forums with all the "CONNECTED" folks who have become so blind to the DEVASTATION CAUSED BY THEIR COLLUSIVE ACTIONS! I ran to highlight that convicted child importunists were on the ballot and parents needed to start paying attention to politics again. I ran to inspire the disillusioned and disenfranchised populace (WOW---over 85%) to get involved again and unite to disrupt these corrupt practices that were violating, intimidating, and victimizing their lives on a daily basis in our community...
I ran to remind the REAL people that they have rights and that they should not live in fear of the "regime"! I ran to let them know that they are not doormats or stepping stones for politicians, but the citizens who pay the salaries of those elected folks. I ran to speak the truth when everyone else was hiding behind their cloaks and buddies in the "party" system that has dramatically abused their positions locally. I ran because more of our military folks should feel confident to step up and share their leadership qualities with a community that needs motivated.
I am not perfect; none of us are. My family is not perfect; none of ours is. I appreciate the feedback and appreciate the opinions of others. I have tons to learn about life; like playing politics in a corrupt world! I just don't seem to have a zest for LYING to the citizens about my position on things. I am who I am....regardless of all those opinions in life of others.
What I know more than anything is that GBW became who he is today after all the experiences that he survived and endured... I know that he had choices and he made them. I know that he lived his life and that he tried and everything was not always perfect. I salute him for something he once did relative to a child murder victim that was found raped and bound in an alley by his home near Thomas Jefferson Elementary School... that took courage...
But, I also know this better than anyone in the world...My dad was a stone cold asshole in his lifetime....and my mother was a stone cold asshole in her lifetime.... They were the two best assholes I ever met in my life and they were MY parents.... No one on the planet needs to throw in my face what "assholes" they were separately or together... They (BOTH) made poor choices, they both made huges mistakes, and they both LOVED EACHOTHER CODEPENDENTLY more than any two people I have ever met in my life... They were MY PARENTS....and I feel so blessed to have had them; despite anything that they ever did in their lifetimes.
I am proud to say that they were my parents...
They worked hard, played hard, and fought hard. I can tell you war stories, diminish your opinion of them, or I can tell you the good side of things too. I can share the struggles or the affections or the love they shared-even when they were fighting-which was everyday...They talked, they yelled, and they threw punches back and forth. They had gun fights in the backyard countless times. Heck, I slept with guns under my mattress most of my life...nothing big about it... Look, they did not live that gentrified lifestyle...They lived a life that was rough and along the way...they did more for others than most of their siblings combined... No shame in my world for my parents--even if they didn't measure up to the "EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS".... Yeppers, there were some absolutely crazy days in my world...
I am humored. I had the pleasure of having this same discussion with my mother's other brother before he died...and we simply agreed that we were never going to disrespect eachother about our parents again or their choices because neither of us had any power over the past. It was a cool... And we laughed, cried, and shared so much more life before he died in 2004.... We just appreciated the life in front of us and stopped digging up bones.
My mother is dead and I don't need anyone under the sun to tell me that she would have been proud of me... She was my best friend and we had no secrets. We spoke daily and we shared everything. We laughed, cried, and survived a world of stuff...We traveled, volunteered, and lived a life as a family....She was my best friend. I don't need anyone to remind me of what she would have thought or how she would have acted... I spent more time with her than almost anyone. I was blessed.
What my mother wanted in her lifetime was for her family to accept her husband....and they never truly did while she was alive and that hurt her deeply... But, before she died she simply accepted that they were never going to appreciate that despite the dysfunction---that she truly had loved my father deeply. She told me that....we spent hours talking about it on the Christmas before she died. She loved her husband and they did not. She chose to stay with him after years of give and take abuse. She chose to divorce and remarry him. She chose to keep on trying amidst challenges beyond words.
I don't care what anyone under the sun thinks about my family; particularly about my mother & father. I love them both more than words can say and that's what matters to me.
As a matter of fact GBW.... if you haven't got something decent to say about my dad or mom... don't use this forum to run your jaws. Maybe you didn't comprehend their relationship...or their choices....and maybe you tried to help along the way (in your own little way)....but more than missed the boat on understanding them... and more importantly on sharing what was really important to your sister...even if you did not agree with her choices...but she tried her best to love you the way she knew how to and she never tried to hurt you or violate you or treat you like you were not good enough. She treated you with a deep love and appreciation that you can only begin to know...She loved you UNCONDITIONALLY which is a ton more than I can say for you....BYGONES!
Smiling inside...because I had the blessing of being with my dad today and hug him and tell him how much I love him....despite all the drama in between....Sorry everyone didn't measure up to your expectations. I have exceeded my own expectations....far beyond your wildest imagination.... I am proud of my accomplishments and for speaking the truth as I have experienced it. I have a lot to learn....and I will process things.... But, I will never agree with corruption and if I die tomorrow-so be it! Screw the liars and jerks who violate the public at large!
God Bless the USA...
Deep breath....exhale.....Pause....
Hugs....Blessings....Forgiveness... Consdieration...Laughs...
I've been blessed....without a shadow of a doubt....even by such opinions!
Always Appreciative,
Dianna Hill
"Stop associating 24 hours a day with people who don't know the rigors of a 40 hour week, 52 weeks a year. "
Nice....will that make me a better person in YOUR opinion? Will it make me more worthy of acceptance from a "HIGHER CLASS" of people? Will it help get me into heaven? or will it just help me to afford "CORRUPT" legal services that pay for back scratching favors amidst the connected during back room negotiations? I seem to find it absolutely unacceptable that the educated created a system of big business by using the govt to violate the poor, then rape them of legal fees, then bend them over and steal their houses by not protecting their interests just so it could build a bigger govt using the low income as quotas...
"Do you think a lawyer who has studied and paid for seven years of education should work cheap? " YES....according to the American Bar Association Model Rule 6.1...they should offer up their services for not only cheap, but for free!
"...And that is all I require of yourself. "
Well, all I require of you is to call your sisters, forgive them for not meeting your "requirement" list, and make right your disociation from them.... I don't care how much education you've are no better than any one of your family members...your blood and tears are just as liquid as theirs. You caused undue grief, hurt, pain, and you deserve to own it! You can agree to disagree. You can teach me. You can share and you can care and be proud and be indifferent. Yet, All I require of yourself is that you open that door to them. We have ALL had disagreements, challenges, and life changes....but none of them ever deserved your choice to treat them so harshly. They are human and they are not perfect...but you are not either! I cannot hate you...but I am sad for you...I am sad that all your accomplishments have not taught you to forgive whatever caused you to disconnect from them.
Who cares what I think? I think you should call your sisters... Make contact. Life is TOO SHORT. Be mad at me for speaking my opinions. I won't take it personally. You should not take it personally either. Make a trip home and hug them. Just accept them and remember that they love you. Quit the hurt and pain. You have not had to see their sobbing tears wondering about you. I have seen them enumerable times. I have listened to them wonder. You owe them that much. Let them WHINE to you until they have vented and then get on with the life in front of you all. You're a big boy, you can handle the truth.... can't you?
By God I pray that you stop in your tracks and forgive my forthrightness. I hope you wake up.... Even I forgive you for your lack of wisdom in certain areas. If only any of us knew then what we know now... I could vent all day here...but you have to look yourself in the mirror everyday and be at peace with your choices... I am at peace with mine.
MAKE PEACE... They deserve answers in their lifetimes. How long has it been since you told them that you love them? Does another one of them have to die before you wake up? Have they violated you so bad that they deserve the anguish of your silence?
While I'd like to say I am proud of you for the accomplishments you've went on to make in your very own world....I am quite disappointed by your choices to shut them out. You chose your path, respect that others didn't want for themselves what you wanted for them. a moment of life...this little discussion will be but a memory.... a moment of insight shared.... whatever becomes of it-I hope to see you reunite with your family and experience what's left of life with smiles, shared moments, blessings, and unconditional love and understanding with the grace of age, experience, and most importantly FORGIVENESS at your backdoor.
(Let's leave judgments between God and the individuals).
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
I lost my eyesight. I was
I lost my eyesight. I was homeless for years. I was alone.
You don't need to reply. your family....
they still love your dumb behind. : ) Pride sucks.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
At mom's funeral....
We played that song, REACH OUT, I'LL BE THERE.....
Now if you feel that you can't go onBecause all your hope is gone
And your life is filled with confusion
And happiness is just an illusion
And your world around is tumblin' down
Darling, reach out
Reach out, for me.
I'll be there to love and confort you...(tell me baby)
I'll be there with the love I'll see you through
Now when you're lost and about to give up
'cause your best just ain't good enough
and you feel the world has grown cold
and you're driftin' on your own
when you need a hand to hold
darling, reach out
reach out, for me.
I'll be there to love and confort you
I'll be there with the love I'll see you through
I'll be there to love and confort you
I'll be there to with the love I'll see you through
I can tell you the way I hang your head
Now with out of love , now you're afraid
And through your tears you look around
But there's no peace of mind to be found
I know what you're thinking
Witout love, now you're alone
Baby, reach out
Reach out for me
I'll be there to love and confort you
I'll be there with the Love I'll see you through
I'll be there to love and confort you ...(tell me baby)
I'll be there to always see you through...(i'll be there)
I'll be there to love and confort you
I'll be there with the love I'll see you through.
If for one minute, you think that any of them wouldn't want to hear from you...despite the are WRONG! I KNOW....YOUR SISTERS HOLD ON TO THE HOPE that you'd someday come back into their world...TRUST IN THAT WITHOUT A DOUBT....I spoke to Aunt M. today and I know you remain loved unconditionally....Call them. I sent you all their numbers just in case you lost them. Happy Easter!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Welcome home...'ve been missed....Keep smiling...remember...we are all just a bunch of ignorant hillbillies! Smiles..... Quit wasting time & call your sisters....Give them that present for Easter just for me, priceless....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
You only live once, Greatboldworld
People make mistakes. Forgive and Forget is always best.
If Dianna is anything like the rest of your family, you have missed a lot.
I think you have lots of hillbillies wanting you to make contact, and you miss the hillbillies!
dysfuntional families
And criminal seems that we are all caught up in the local family drama. It's fine to forgive and forget, but at what point do we send the rotten kids to bed without supper?
The extent of crime in NEO--is killing the whole family here.
Do we all become carpetbaggers?
dianna, is it really a lawful lien?
you said [ THEIR LIEN REMAINS AGAINST MY PROPERTY] In My Opinion, u should
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">/ request and submit Information Requests (UCC11)
Often clerk of courts and banks file liens, that only are to announce to possibilty of a lien, not a lawful lien. (One that a judge has had to sign off on) If there is no lien by State office, you do not have lien. Chances are there isn't one. They are deceiving you with a Notice, period, by NOT filling out the form 668-B, which is the procedure to perfect levies.
Form 203: Search of files with each listing and copies of each record (UCC11) [//]
You can google more on the NATIONAL INFORMATION REQUEST {FORM UCC11)
If indeed, there is no lien (as often is the case) it will come back reading like; the response, in part:
"The undersigned Filing Officer [Deborah Bowen, SOS] hereby certifies that there are no active financing statements, tax liens, attachment liens, or judgement lien on file in my office reflecting the above Debtor as of 04/07/2011 at 1700 hours."
Now, use this to demand that the credit reporting agencies, plus the county recorder remove the state and federal "tax liens" which obviously do not exist! If they try to ignore the Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act, (because they are violating the Act) etc..., have them reduce to writing how they can/ and ARE authorized do that and date it and sign their NAME!
Others have immediately demand that the Clerk remove the NOFTL or be subject to an FBI investigation for colluding to damage the real man's reputation and ability to receive credit.
specs for real lien needed
FAILURE TO ACT in removing false information is a crime.
Not an atty, smile, is for entertainment purpose only, however.... good luck! Betty
[ Form 668-B, showing the actual form for the perfection of levy and the attendant requirements.
"Under the 1939 Code, effective with respect to distraint and seizure and sale actions prior to January 1, 1955, levy or distraint on personal or real property in the possession of a taxpayer was authorized by a signed Warrant for Distraint, Form 69, which commanded the collection officer to take the necessary distraint action. Under the 1954 Code, effective with respect to all collection actions after December 31, 1954, the levy and distraint action will be authorized by a new form, Levy, Form 668-B, January 1955. This form (668-B, not 668-W, notice of levy), properly executed, directs the collection officer to levy upon, and to sell so much of the property and rights to property, either real or personal, of the taxpayer liable, as may be necessary to satisfy the taxes enumerated in the levy. The Form will not require any accompanying documents, since the Form, properly prepared, will contain all information necessary to meet the statutory requirements (emphasis added)." Henderson v. Internal Revenue Service, Kleinrock's Tax Court Reported, 1994-486, S.D.Indiana, Case # IP 93-1699-C, Filed May 31, 1994).
"A 'Levy' requires that property be brought into legal custody through seizure, actual or constructive, and is absolute appropriation in law of property levied on, and MERE NOTICE OF INTENT TO LEVY IS INSUFFICIENT" (Emphasis added). United States v. O'Dell, 160 F. 2d 304, 307 (6th Circuit 1947).]
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?