CHN employee films free house he rec'vd in Tremont
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 02/03/2019 - 11:57.

The SERVICES we rely on in Cuyahoga County have been farmed out through graft, kickbacks and corruption to bloated NGO agencies LIKE Cleveland Housing Network.
The federal funding is drying up for these crooks and now, the funding has to come from local monies collected off the backs of seniors who actually pay their taxes.
Friends of the former county treasurer will still play the LLC name games needed to shift the tax burden to the elderly and low-income residents, working to get by -month-to-month. BE mad - Be very MAD.
*note CHN employee "Pat" paid $130K mortgage on the property that he was GIVEN preference over any one else to buy by his EMPLOYER CHN.
CHN Assistant Director of Strategic Innovation
Pahniti Tosuksri gets CHN house at bargain basement deal....his partner Kate Carden, assistant director of community resources at CHN, chairs the TWDC board, is seen in this video, which will be deleted.
EXPECT MORE of this creative kickback scheme at the International Village!!
Naymik and CHN cover up
CHN housing and the relationship this NGO has built with community development corporations in Cleveland should be the REAL angle of Naymik's story - but he wants you to see this as happening ONLY on the east side with CDBG HUD funds, when it also happened on the west side in Tremont at TWDC- Kate Carden served as board president when this happened>
From Mitch Paul:
Transfer of property is shown above - signed off by Rob Curry, former head of Cleveland Housing Network - now rebranded CHN Housing Partners also operating in Detroit, MI, to fully exploit a specific demographic.
Buckeye Shaker Square Community Development Corp illegally ACCEPTED real property from CHN > which were then "managed" by the inept CDC and the councilman. CHN is the racket - it started with a lease purchase program that has mushroomed into a construction-financing set up that has lined so many pockets in NEO. The feds are examining how this all grew from DSCDO. Detroit Shoreway - late Ray Pianka was one of the first directors and then Housing Court judge. Pals with Rokakis and Frangos who also set up city land bank, county land bank and Housing Court. CHN is the NGO racketeering operation center for contract steering that involves condemnations through Housing Court > targeted demolitions>transfers of real property and unlimited funding through Cleveland City Council. Follow the money.
CHN uses federal monies to construct their projects like the fraudulent PSH Housing complexes they built for so long under the
gravy train. LITC are a specialty.