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DANCE!!!Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 12/15/2009 - 20:05.
12/20/2009 - 16:00 12/20/2009 - 17:30 Etc/GMT-5 "Dance Class w/ Mohamed Tounkara of Guinea, W. Africa! " Sunday, December 20 at 4:00pm. Event: Dance Class w/ Mohamed Tounkara of Guinea, W. Africa! What: Class
A fun, high energy class of dance from Guinea taught by Passport Project's very special guest, Mohamed Tounkara.
Mohamed is a dancer/choreographer/assistant to the director with Le Ballet de Matam in Conakry, Guinea, a world renowned Guinean dance group of which he has been a member since 1998. Mohamed plays percussion with several groups in Guinea, and has taught westerners dance and percussion in various settings for years, including in Passport Project's recent fair trade drum and dance workshops in Guinea (4 hours of dance, 3 hours of drumming each day!!!), and our summer youth camp. Mohamed plays dun dun and sangban with various groups in Guinea, and he knows songs and the rhythms for djembe accompaniment of the numerous dances that he knows. His English is good, and he is an outstanding teacher! Please note, we plan our next workshop in Guinea in April!! or (216) 721-1055 Brought to you with love by the beautiful folks at Passport Project!
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