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unique landuse around treehouse - a greenscape storySubmitted by tremontsoul on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 22:45.
In order to start the process of integrating our property around treehouse into the street-scape and moving towards a green-scape down the main street of tremont; you're invited to walk, mingle, bring chairs to sit and converse with neighbors and friends and enjoy the day on the space on june 6th without vehicles impeding that enjoyment. We just ask that you pick up after yourself when you leave. There may be many residents and new friends to be made and exchanged. We would like to add to that and hopefully expand on such a wonderful family oriented activity which is brought into the neighborhood. And a great way to show off wares as well. What a wonderful way to engage everyone, both young and old and from all walks of life in a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. That being said, in order to preserve that opportunity, we had to secure the property yet once again by erecting towing signs (since they have been repeatedly confiscated before) and enlist a private tow service to be vigilant. We also had to remove posts which treehouse erected on our property which prevents us as well as the yard sale and artwalk from using it. I am extremely confident they will not reappear, especially under watchful eyes. We are also working towards engaging our property for the artwalks and other wonderful venues, details will be coming soon. Of course it will be a work in process but I feel with the support of many varied communities, artists, businesses and residents this will be a great stepping stone to uniting many different facets of the neighborhood into a positive effort that will benefit all. I am positive that this, with its community support will put a great handsome feather in the councilman's cap in advocacy of such an enigmatic addition to the neighborhood for residents, businesses and tourism without compromising each others ability to coexist. Any feedback would be appreciated - even from the recent residents down the hill :)
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