I need your help! - Please call and leave a message for William K. Suter Clerk of the US Supreme Court - NEEDS TO HEAR MY CASE
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 09/30/2009 - 00:05.
 Hello: I need your help! Please Forward this e-mail to as many people as you can, also the media and blog
Please call and leave a message for William K. Suter Clerk of the Supreme Court
And finally Pray---this case is an example of why people are losing trust in our government.
During the ice storm I decided to run as write in candidate for mayor. Richard Struckhoff filed my declaration of candidacy. Days later City Attorney sent notice write ins aren’t allowed. I filed in circuit court and Judge Miles Sweeney agreed write ins should be allowed but that it’s a constitutional issue. I took it to State Appeal and State Supreme Courts. It now sits in the Federal Supreme Court, case number 09-5926.
Over 50 county clerks sent me letters saying write ins are
allowed regardless what type of city because it’s state law. The City claims being Home Rule allows them to set election processes. The gravest issue raised is if the city is allowed to write/infer their own rules/laws in this case, then what stops them from doing so with other issues or forming a new form of government that doesn’t have to adhere to state/federal laws thereby ignoring them? If this stands, Home Rule cities across the nation could make their own rules/laws anytime they wanted on a whim. Springfield Charter states: Section 13:2 Regulations of elections: The council shall provide by ordinance all regulations which it considers needful or desirable, not inconsistent with this Charter or state laws, for the conduct of municipal elections. Instead of fighting legal battles Springfield should look to the west: Joplin -- A new campaign aimed at attracting thousands of jobs to southwest Missouri will be announced this week.
This is a public/federal Issue in that the State under the 1st and 14th Amendment must treat all citizens equal and denial of such for 150,000 people in Springfield, Missouri is unfair and unequal treatment within the states borders and as such the Supreme Court needs to look at the issue. For more info please see: http://sites.google.com/site/unitedstatessupremecourtcase/ or e-mail at
Steven L. Reed
1441 S Estate Avenue
Springfield MO 65804
(417) 882-2942
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