How to File Federal Fraud Complaints with HUD & DOJ... Request for Proposals

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 05:03.

How to File Federal Fraud Complaints: HUD & DOJ

FYI, if you have facts that constitute the need for direct federal oversight....go to the DOJ website and submit a complaint. Take viable action instead of discussing it over and over. If you have proof, facts, and direct instances...then make the difference and do something about it...



DOJ/Civil Rights Division:


2) Now, that we are addressing the abusive practices.... let's go to the next step....


HOW CAN WE PREVENT THEM IN THE FUTURE?  What kind of legislative proposals can be made to prevent this widespread abuse? Let's collaborate some resolve & prevention avenues that protect our people. I am certain that collectively we have enough educated folks to come up with some simple solutions to this nightmare locally.




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