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Deadly Toxin Alert 80% of Americans Are Now Infected With A Common Parasite That Causes Death & Are Unaware - video photosSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 05/19/2014 - 20:13.
You are not alone! 80% of Americans are infected with this deadly parasite that hijacks your digestive system and then takes over your entire body! Interestingly, many diseases and illnesses disappear once this invasive organism is treated. And, although the incidents are higher in the United States of America, this problem is not confined to America alone. Anyone in the world can have this awful, debilitating sickness. Believe it or not, most Medical Doctor’s do not acknowledge the harmful effects of systemic Candidiasis overgrowth in the body, and it is oftentimes left untreated. As a result, the symptoms only get worse. Here are some of the most common symptoms and complications of this deadly parasite, and if you have three or more of them, chances are, you are infected!
—Fatigue —General all over malaise —Light-headed, dizzy —Sensitive/allergic to chemicals, odors, foods, perfumes —Chronic allergies, colds, viruses —Gastrointestinal disorders, including gas, bloating, intestinal discomfort, diarrhea and/or constipation, acid reflux —Abormal/extreme craving for sugars and carbs —Chronic sinusitis —Facial swelling, fluid retention —Skin problems, acne, blemishes —Skin rashes, itchy skin, redness —Inability to concentrate —Visual disturbances, optical migraine —Frequent headaches, pressure —Various types of fungal infections, including toenail fungus —Chronic low blood pressure, poor circulation, irregular heartbeat (heart palpitations) —Depression and frustration, especially as the illness progresses, and the quality of life is greatly reduced —Joint/muscle aches and pains —Vitamin deficiency, including D3 deficiency —Malabsorption, leaky gut syndrome, etc. —Other strange, unexplainable symptoms
This parasite feeds on sugar and carbs, and just like Miracle-Gro fertilizer, the more it is fed, the faster it grows!
Infection Throughout the Body
Candidiasis, a fungal infection that can affect every part of your body, including the blood, is a rather common condition. In fact, many people have it and do not even know it. Candidiasis outbreaks can be frequent, and generally cause much discomfort, including a gradual decline in health and well-being.
Not only can Candidiasis affect the mouth, throat, windpipe, vagina and/or skin, it can also spread throughout the entire body and take over. Please note that recurrent vaginal yeast infections, and ones that are difficul to treat, can be a sign of HIV disease progression in women, so please see your health care practicioner immediately if you have any of these symptoms!
CausesCandida, the name of the fungus, causes candidiasis, and it is perfectly normal to have a moderate amount of this fungus in the mouth, vagina, digestive tract and skin. In fact, in a healthy person, there is a perfect balance of naturally occurring bacteria and yeast—80% good bacteria vs. 20% bad. However, a weakened immune system can make it easier for Candida to spread and cause infections.
There are some common factors that pose a risk for developing Candida infections. These factors can include, but are not limited to, diabetes, pregnancy, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 or zinc deficiency, as well as the use of antihistamines. Coincidentally, chemotherapy, stress, and depression can also cause or worsen symptoms of Candidas.
Preventing and Cuing Fungal Infections Naturally
It has been proven that there is a strong connection between what you eat and Candida, as well as the overall health of your immune system, and nutritional methods of prevention and treatment can be complex. Following some basic guidelines may greatly reduce your risk of yeast becoming a problem, as well as getting rid of it.
Sugar, yeast, dairy, wheat, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are among the most notrorious culprits because they help spread yeast by feeding it and making it grow. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you abstain from the above foods and chemicals.
You also need to eat larger amounts of foods that help keep yeast from growing. One that has been found most effective by nutritionists is garlic because it contains natural antifungal properties help cure and prevent candidiasis. While fresh garlic is best, liquid odorless Kyolic garlic is extremely effective. However, please be aware that garlic can reduce your blood pressure.
When treating Candida, your symptoms may temporarily worsen. The reason it may temporarily worsen is because a process called die-off occurs in your body. In fact, when die-off symptoms kick in, most people abandon their treatments. I highly advise against this. It is very important to stay with the treatment no matter how bad you feel.
When yeast cells are killed at a fast rate, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) takes place. This happens when metabolic by-products are being released throughout the body, and the Candida yeast cells generally release 79 different toxins when they are destroyed, which include ethanol and acetaldehyde.
Biology of Candidiasis
Acetaldehyde has an entire host of detrimental effects on your health and wellbeing, which include your brain function and the destruction of brain cells. Your endocrine, immune and respiratory systems can also be affected, and it also damages the membranes of your red blood cells, reducing their ability to carry oxygen round the body. As I just mentioned, this has a direct impact on your brain, so you can see how acetaldehyde is linked to Candida symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue. These by-products can also cause allergic reactions and inflammation that lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms.
Candida die-off symptoms vary from person to person, as each will have different degrees of infestation. If you are having severe die-off symptoms, you can slow down your treatment and also reduce your dosage of probiotics and antifungals. Since the liver is the main organ that eliminates toxins, the die-off process means that it is being overwhelmed.
Here is a list of some of the most common die-off symptoms you may experience when treating Systemic Candidiasis:
—Nausea —Headache, fatigue, dizziness —Swollen glands —Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea —Increased joint or muscle pain —Elevated heart rate —Chills, cold feeling in your extremities —Body itchiness, hives or rashes —Sweating —Fever —Skin breakouts —Recurring vaginal, prostate and sinus infections —Hypersensitivity to all the things you are already allergic to
The Die-Off, or Herxheimer reaction, has been documented in research on antifungals. One 1980 study (see here) of the commercial antifungal Nystatin found the following:
According to a study in 1980 of the commercial antifungal Nystatin, the following was noted: “One phenomenon deserving emphasis is seen occasionally when therapy is initiated. It suggests the Herxheimer reaction … The reaction is usually limited to a flu-like syndrome of mild generalized aching and lowgrade fever, but may also encompass an exacerbation of the patient’s allergic manifestations.”
Coping with Candida Die-Off
These symptoms normally clear up within a week or so, but could last a little longer. There are a number of things you can do to minimize die-off during treatment, or expel the toxins more rapidly.
—Supplements such as Candidate, Candizyme, Molybdenum or Milk Thistle can help your liver expel the toxins.
—Molybdenum is extremely useful for those suffering from die-off by converting the neurotoxin acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which is then expelled by your body and/or converted into friendly digestive enzymes.
—Reduce or ‘temporarily’ (for a day or two) discontinue antifungal supplements.
—Antifungals work by rupturing the hard shell of the Candida yeast cells, which then release the many toxins that the Candida was previously producing in your body. Therefore, by reducing your antifungal dosage, it will cut down the number of toxins being dumped into your bloodstream. Once you begin feeling better, you may increase your dosage.
—Reduce your dosage of probiotics.
—A course of quality probiotics will repopulate your gut, suoffocate the Candida, heal your stomach acidity, and increase the effectiveness of your immune system. However, the good news is that probiotics are less likely to cause die-off symptoms than antifungals. However, if you begin experiencing these symptoms, you may temporarily reduce your dosage.
—Water is the number one best anti-oxidant. You will need to increase your water intake in order to flush out the toxins faster.
—In order to feel better, all those byproducts that are released by the Candida yeast need to exit your body. Drinking more water helps complete this task.
—Get as much rest as you can.
—It is proven that stress weakens your adrenal function and greatly reduces your body’s natural ability to fight pathogens such as fungal infections. Taking it easy will assist your immune system to do exactly what it was designed to do.
—Try some alternative detox methods suh as skin brushing, saunas or contrast showers.
—Most of these treatments increase your circulatory and lymphatic systems. by helping you to expel the toxins/poisons that the dying Candida cells have dumped into your bloodstream.
—Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C twice daily. I recommend a buffered form that contains bioflavonoids. This will make it easier on your stomach, and the bioflavonoids help your body to better absorb the vitamin C. Otherwise, most of the vitamin will exit your body in your waste products (urine, feces) and you will not get the full benefit of the vitamin. This multi-purpose vitamin boosts your adrenals and helps restore your immune system to health. And, as a side note, Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been proven effective in the treatment of allergies! anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate
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Yes! This is true and very old. It also can be cured very easily although the cure tastes like shit. Go buy a bottle of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and a medical eye dropper. Starting on day one take 1 drop of H2O2 and drop in in to an 8 oz., glass of distilled water. Do this three times a day on day one. On day two; Place two drops of H2O2 in an eight oz glass of distilled water. Do this three times a day. Repeat the process until you reach 30 drops a day, three times a day. When you hit the thirtieth day then go backwards.. 29, 28, 27, 26 and so on back to 1.
It tastes like shit but it will completely eliminate the problem. If you believe you have fibromyalgia, YOU DON’T BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST! Do not eat sugar, fruit, wheat for this time period. After you complete the process eat one piece of an orange and watch what happens. Your eyes will water, your sinuses will totally clog and you will feel like shit. Eat a diet people with hypogyclemia eat. After two weeks on the Hydrogen peroxide regiment you will have so much energy you will feel the need to run daily. Look up on yahoo: Cures of Candida using 35% Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Do not get the peroxide in your eyes. If you get it on your skin it will feel like it’s burning you but ot is not. It is super oxidizing your skin which gives off the same sensation. There are no allergic reactions to this-none. Any joint pain you have will be gone. If you currently eat food and feel the need to take a nap then you have candida. It is true most American’s have it. It’s been around because of the very poor food supply in your country. I guarantee you will never feel better in your life. Read on yahoo or google all about Hydrogen Peroxide. This is an ancient remedy. The reason Big Pharma does not promote it is because it is a natural substance and can not be patented. You will also find warts and an entire host of other problems will go away. It is also the best way to clean out your entire body, including but not limited to blood, liver, pancrease, entire digestive track, brain.
It takes like the worst shit you ever tasted but we have used it for a very long time. Our family has a very long life span. Everyone has lived past 90. Go do your own research. While candida will ruin your life, the cure totally restores your life. So, either cleanse your body or live like shit. Most of you were raised on taking a pill. That is the exact opposite way to health. Do what you want. Every natural health food store sells it. Good luck and feel better.
Or, one could purchase an ozone generator and get the same effect without the taste and long detox times.
Quite simply, bugs can’t live in Ozonated water, not only does it take less time to detox, it does not taste bad at all. My ozone generator makes my water taste like a mountain spring. I use a large glass filled with regular filtered water from my Berkey and ice and then turn my ozone generator on for approximately 20 minutes. Then when the generator finishes, I drink the water. It is quite refreshing. There are several inexpensive models which one can buy and use at home, do a search on the Web.
There are also many videos on youtube about Ozone generators and what miracles they are providing in Europe and South America. Not surprisingly, in America ozone generators are looked upon by the AMA as quackery.
Your a good man, thanks for sharing this. Have you any experience with turpentine and molasses? Praise the Lord and Hallelujah Amen!
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling?
I have pure gum turpentine protocol pdf link below… I do this every month as maintenance to keep candida levels balanced. There are two kinds of turpentine… want the type that comes from tree’s not petroleum …. maple syrup comes from tree’s … there are many medicines that come from tree’s … pure gum turpentine is one of them…
Deadly Toxic Alert! 95% of Americans Are Infected With Apathy
I remember growing up the sixties and my mother would test us kids for parasites per the local doctor. Now none of the doctors I’ve ever seen mention anything about parasites, there is another age old cure for those nasty critters, wormwood, a liquid you can order it over the internet. I use Black Walnut Woormwood from herbal solutions. Just follow the directions on the bottle and something else you can use it for is too worm your dog or cat and it’s natural. It kills all parasites even heart worms, I’ve used it for years, just worm your dog with the same dose you would take I use a turkey injector of course with out the needle. And for a cat you’ll need to wrap them in a towel so they won’t claw you. It does taste a bit rough.
There is a lot to this idea. I link to an article which is quite long, and a bit technical, but if you read the summary first, you will understand the content better.
Essentially, candidal yeast and clostridial bacterial overgrowths in the gut; often caused by antibiotic use and abuse, produce various neurotoxins. These result in all the neurological disorders which many people these days suffer from, including tiredness all the time. There is also evidence that they are at least partly responsible for the Alzheimers’ plague which is presently accelerating out of control.
Thus, any therapy targeting these yeasts and bacteria will tend to normalise one’s health. Accordingly therefore, the advice Lyn gives re. garlic, olive leaf extract, probiotic use, etc, is very appropriate.
The best method to heal… cure… candida overgrowth… is explained by Dr. Jennifer Daniels in this pdf …
also another powerful candida overgrowth healing protocol is kerosene and sugar (1-K grade, buy in metal can). 1 teaspoon kerosene over 3 sugar cubes …. then drink distilled water rest of the day…. directions: Kerosene: Cure-All Miracle Medicines? |