Councilman Cummins accomplishments and past experience
Submitted by citizens4cummins on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 13:43.

This election is about which candidate is best able to represent the citizens of Cleveland's Ward 14. To make that decision, voters are going to need to know both. Here is Councilman Cummins past experience, as well as his accomplishments in his first four years in Council.
The Public Servant
- Cleveland City Councilman, 2006-present
- Administrative Director, Business Trainer and Volunteer, US Peace Corps, Dominican
- Republic, Latvia, Russia and Moldova, 1990-1999
The Proven Professional
- Executive Director, Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation, 2001-2004
- Editor and Publisher, Old Brooklyn News, 2001-2004
- Chief Financial Officer, Community Shelter Board, 2000-2001
- Associate Director, Cleveland International Program, 1993-1994
- Small Business Technical Trainer, 1993
- Mutual Fund Specialist & Administrative Assistant, Trust Division, National City Bank, 1983-1989
- Cotton Club Bottling Co., Teamsters Local 1164, 1979-1982
The Coalition Builder
- Helped organize Friends of Harmony Park and Friends of Big Creek
- Working with local residents and block groups to promote stiffer penalties for noise during the holiday season and to work more effectively with police
- Helped in developing and providing technical assistance to new leadership for civic associations in Brooklyn Centre and Old Brooklyn (Brooklyn Centre Community Association; Southwest Area Citizens Council; and South Hills Neighborhood Association
- Worked with adjacent Councilman in Ward 16 and local development corporations in Ward 15 and 16 to develop consolidation of local development corporation services for both wards.
- Helping expand recreational opportunities, through the Treadway Creek Trail and supporting Ohio City Bicycle Co-op and Walk+Roll Cleveland.
- Working with more than 30 local groups - including the Art House, Westside Industrial Retention and Expansion Network, Hispanic Business Association, and American Indian Education Center.
- Fluent in Spanish from his Peace Corps years in the Dominican Republic…and talented musician.
For jobs and economic development
- Winning 700 new jobs for the Metrohealth Senior Health & Wellness Center
- Supported the Medical Mart-Convention Facility, while challenging the process, a $495,000,000 million project that will create hundreds of new jobs and offer some hope for a change
- Facilitated a $500,000 loan for All Seasons Contracting, creating 65 new jobs
- Helping small businesses to facilitate growth and compliance with city laws, including Edgewood Village Childcare Center, and Terrace Construction.
- Expand micro-lending assistance for existing and/or creative start-up businesses
- Increase technical assistance and funding through the Westside Industrial Retention Network (WIRE-net) and the City’s Vacant Property Initiative.
For safer neighborhoods
- Initiated security patrols for neighborhood commercial districts, parks and schools.
- Helped close 3 bars and 2 stores that were magnets for illegal activities
- Active in promoting block and civic associations and building stronger relations with the Police
- Active Member, Second District Police Community Relations Committee
- Helped to keep Hook and Ladder Fire Station No. 42 open
- Making law enforcement more visible in our community
- Pursuing the use of digital cameras for high crime and nuisance areas
- Insuring adequate funding for Cleveland’s safety forces
- Expanding the use of off-duty Cleveland Police Security Patrols in targeted, high crime areas.
For better neighborhoods and housing
- $11,000,000 million development of Denison Ave. senior housing, with NRP
- Active in passing City’s new curbside recycling program
- Winning funds to reduce brown fields in the area and $1,500,000 million in sewer improvements to fix chronic infrastructure problems
- Securing $550,000 for neighborhood planning including a land use study of W. 25th Street corridor from the West Side Market to Brookpark Road
- Grant program for emergency repairs for qualified homeowners.
- Historic home preservation program and expansion of the city’s paint program
- Cracking down on irresponsible landlords
- Sub-divide vacant lots between home owners on either side to increase housing values.
Additional Information
Councilman Brian Cummins Website Blog
Ward 14 Contrast in Experience
Cleveland council candidate Rick Nagin eschews communist tag By Henry J. Gomez, The Plain Dealer, September 28, 2009
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