Boiling Sea’ Off Fukushima Viral Photo Of The Day - radiation across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of United States (pray)
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 20:58.
The sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan and the picture below has been called a viral photo of the day by Coolbuster. Check out the picture, what is that all about? It certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan… if this radiation keeps leaking, and there’s no way to stop it, will boiling seas spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the United States? If so, what happens then? We are so ‘fuked’. Three brand new video reports below share the Fukushima news that you’re not getting from our government or the mainstream media.