All Comments

SubjectCommenterDate Postedsort icon
The Plain Dealer's PRstitute has it covered...Norm Roulet04/25/2010 - 10:13
I also know they've beenjerleen104/25/2010 - 10:09
heard that Santiagodwebb04/25/2010 - 09:43
Ask Cummins Sharkey PRstitute from the Cleveland Plain DealerNorm Roulet04/25/2010 - 09:35
They should all be ashamed of themselvesNorm Roulet04/25/2010 - 09:18
We're way ahead of youjerleen104/25/2010 - 09:11
Floridalmcshane04/25/2010 - 08:19
Cleveland Planning Commissionlmcshane04/25/2010 - 08:12
Santiago is allegedly in Floridabj04/25/2010 - 08:12
Deliberation--Joe Santiago??lmcshane04/25/2010 - 07:56
Franking privilegeslmcshane04/25/2010 - 07:49
Ward 14 NSP Funds I & II??? ANGELnWard1404/25/2010 - 03:48
$440,000 for Ward 14 going to WHERE?????ANGELnWard1404/25/2010 - 03:47
Thank you...for the McDonald's update.ANGELnWard1404/25/2010 - 02:40
Ignorant HillbillyANGELnWard1404/25/2010 - 02:29
What is Induced Seismicity? Peter N. DeWolfe04/25/2010 - 00:07
and donate to Old South Side Coalitiondwebb04/24/2010 - 23:26
Pure geniusNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 23:25
just common sensedwebb04/24/2010 - 23:18
earthquake infodwebb04/24/2010 - 23:10
You are so smart... dwebbNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 23:01
The Earthquake That Screamed "NO NUKES!!!"Norm Roulet04/24/2010 - 22:58
tremontsoul needs to remake this issuedwebb04/24/2010 - 22:40
earthquake in Perrydwebb04/24/2010 - 22:35
If someone left their bulldozer in my yardNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 21:34
You didn't corrupt social media here...Norm Roulet04/24/2010 - 21:27
Well, if you looked reallyjerleen104/24/2010 - 21:23
Same goes for all the unCool social media crap in town...Norm Roulet04/24/2010 - 21:20
That is heavy equipment... is this an industrial lot?Norm Roulet04/24/2010 - 21:06
I do believe that tremontjerleen104/24/2010 - 21:01
Who maintains the lot?Norm Roulet04/24/2010 - 20:49
I considered what Connie wrote intimidation of a witnessNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 20:32
Close of AIA week--THINK 2030lmcshane04/24/2010 - 20:08
I am not seeing a problem with Conniedwebb04/24/2010 - 19:55
Hillbilly Lilylmiller04/24/2010 - 19:35
Norm--I voted BRUNNERlmcshane04/24/2010 - 18:43
Connie is in the middle of the Saffold mess and getting personalNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 17:20
"I'm telling Yogi about you" - lily your jealousquestministries...04/24/2010 - 17:04
BTW, Laura... you allow social media to be corruptedNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 16:38
Matt Zonedwebb04/24/2010 - 16:00
I like Sherrod Browndwebb04/24/2010 - 15:59
Just one copy...TY. ANGELnWard1404/24/2010 - 15:49
I'm up in the air on BrownNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 15:17
McDonald's on 41st & Lorain....what happened with this plan?ANGELnWard1404/24/2010 - 15:16
Angel - this appeard to post twiceNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 15:15
Sherrod Brown, so farLee Batdorff04/24/2010 - 15:12
Speaking of NEOcrapolis... The Dynasty Announces endorsementsNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 15:08
Speaking of UnCoolCleveland - "They" endorse FisherNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 15:03
VOTE FOR JENNIFER BRUNNER on MAY 4th! ANGELnWard1404/24/2010 - 14:47
I also told him to get a lawyer on East Cleveland's assNorm Roulet04/24/2010 - 13:00