Autumn officially arrived on Saturday, September 23rd at 2:50 am Eastern Daylight Time in the Northern Hemisphere.
It was a sunny day with a high of 72 deg. F.
The lead photograph shows a view of our house on Cooley Avenue -- south side of Jefferson Park -- with the yellow light in the porch. The color of the light changes with the season -- green for spring, blue for summer, yellow for autumn, and red for winter. The moon can be seen in the background.
I went out to play solo tennis in the evening -- the park -- except for a few kids in the children's playground was abandoned. See second photograph.
When I returned from the park -- Smokey (mother) and Gingy (son) -- our two outdoor cats -- who follow me everywhere were in the driveway to greet me. Unfortunately I was not able to photograph them. The third photograph shows the pair enjoying a meal -- earlier in the day.
On Saturday the sun rose at 7:15 a.m. and set at 7:22 p.m. – giving us a day with a length of 12 hours and 7 minutes.
The days are definitely getting shorter.
The shortest day this year (9 hours and 10 min.) will occur on December 21 – the first day of winter.
The days will then keep on getting longer -- with nearly 12-hours of sunlight starting on the first day of spring (March 19, 2024) -- and 15-hours of sunlight starting on the first day of summer (June 20, 2024). Then the days will start getting shorter -- until we reach the first day of winter (December 21, 2024). Then the days will start getting longer and then shorter again ------ in an endless dance in a mysterious universe.
Here is a link to an earlier post describing the vibrant autumn colors in our neighborhood: