Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 was primary election day in Ohio.
I voted as did others – but not every registered voter did as turnout in primary elections is generally low – below 25%.
I voted at our local polling center located on West 130th Street – a little south of CVS Pharmacy on Lorain Avenue -- formerly a K of C facility and now a party center.
There was a 3-page long list of candidates for the offices of Governor, Secretary of State, Senator, Congress, Cuyahoga County Executive and Council, and others – including a large number of positions for judges.
There were a few campaign signs outside the polling station – somehow they were stuck into the metal sidewalk railing and did not stand upright – but a little drooped down as the composite photograph shows. I never leave home without my performance art sign (Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square).
It was an overcast say with a high of 69 deg. F. It was raining lightly when I voted in the afternoon. I walked to the polling station. After a short while the rain stopped and the sun came out briefly. In the evening, after the polls closed (7:30 p.m.) there was more rain accompanied by thunder and lightening – with radio bulletins about possible tornadoes in neighboring counties.
After I had voted, I got the customary sticker.
I love these stickers as the photograph shows.
Not everyone inside the station was masked – however I continue to wear my mask in all indoor spaces.
Enjoy the election season!