Friday, August 6, 2021 was a hot 87 deg. F day – and humid too!
I was out campaigning for one of the candidates in the primary run for the office of Mayor of Cleveland.
At 6:30 p.m. I was standing at the northeast corner of Lorain Avenue & West 130th Street.
This corner is where there is the Auto Expo store – a used car outfit.
Standing at the corner – one can easily see the CVS Pharmacy – a stone throw to the west.
It is a very busy intersection – that is why I was there so that my campaign signs could be seen by the maximum number of vehicle occupants as they whizzed by east-west, west-east, north-south, and south-north of my location.
Shortly after 6:35 p.m. I saw an elderly white man coming toward me – walking north along the eastern West 130th Street sidewalk.
He had a white vest with sleeves (no shirt) and trousers. He had shoes. He had a beard and his hair was unkempt. The beard and the hair provided a biblical allure.
From his shoddy appearance – I concluded that he appeared to be homeless.
He was staggering and wobbling from side to side, as he was moving forward.
I was holding the campaign sign in one hand and a bunch of campaign flyers in the other hand.
As he approached me – he was muttering something – I could not make out what.
As he came right near me – he limped down to the concrete sidewalk – it was not a hard fall by any means – just a gradual slumping to the floor – it appeared his legs slowly gave way.
As he was lying down – I told him I was going to call 911 for an ambulance.
He said he did not want to go to a hospital.
I ran inside the Auto store – told the manager inside what happened and asked him to call 911.
I went out – waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
I was getting impatient. I don’t have a cell phone – I am still in the old landline era. I have had a few cell phones during the past 3-4 years – and since I have no one to call (live alone with my pets -- my late wife passed away in 2014) -- I always forget how to use them. For me – the landline is simple – pick up the phone – listen to the dial tone -- dial the number -- listen to the ring -- and wait for the other side to pick up. With cell phones -- I have so many buttons to press – so many screens to navigate – make sure the device is fully charged, and on top of that remember a seven-digit number in addition to remembering so many other numbers and data (landline, social security, house number 13217 or 13207, mother’s maiden name, whether I met my late wife or my late wife met me and where, etc.) just to survive in this world.
While I was waiting – a well-dressed young-man passed by -- neat clothes – drainpipe trousers – designer shirt, nicely cut hair – eyes glued downward to an ipad screen with wires dangling out of his ears – a 21st century walking human-robot.
A perfect contrast to the helpless homeless man lying on the sidewalk.
I asked him to please call 911 – I said the man needed help.
The young man walked away – totally indifferent to the plight of the homeless man.
I shouted after him as he walked away in an easterly direction – to please call 911 -- but to no avail.
Meanwhile a few people gathered around the man – a lady had come from a store across the street -- three other men had stopped. All were trying to cheer up the homeless man.
Soon the EMS ambulance arrived. It took them less than 3-minutes to show up. And two staff members came out and immediately started helping him.
The composite photograph shows the location and seven people around the homeless man on the floor – two EMS crew, a lady from a store across Lorain, three men, and me.
The EMS crew talked to him, helped him get up, and took him inside the ambulance – and within a few minutes – they were on their way – heading east to a hospital.
One of the ambulance crew recognized me – I have been walking all over Cleveland with my Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square sign for the past 5 to 6 years and I had to explain that I was currently campaigning for a candidate for Mayor and the popular sign with red, white, and blue colors was temporarily in storage.
Many thanks to the Auto store manager for calling 911 and to the four Clevelanders – a lady and three gentlemen who stopped by to help a homeless man in need.
I was not surprised at the behavior of the young man who hurried away without offering any help – there are always a few heartless human beings who would have no problem walking all over you.
Best of luck to the homeless man – I hope I see him again in better circumstances.
And kudos to Cleveland's EMS -- they are the best!
Here is a link to a similar story I wrote for my blog and also Nextdoor – over 18-months ago:
“Cleveland EMS Rescues Lady Protester Lying out in the Cold on a Busy West Side Street Sidewalk” -- December 31, 2019