This is a pic that I took last winter showing not only little to no room for handicapped accessability but even not enough room for able bodied pedestrians to make it around the tight squeeze of the fence that is called temporary. This is not to mention the big semi truck bus kitchen on wheels the size of a house that stays parked either on the corner of Jefferson or Professor blocking the view of traffic coming into the intersection and is sooner or later going to cause a little kid to get seriously injured or killed when it darts out in front of a car because this big thing is in the way and nobody can see.
A lot of questions have been ask about how this guy has got his business papers - just like how the health department lets him keep operating without a proper dumpster and he keeps putting his garbage on the sidewalk - right out where people have to walk - I came by there Sunday and the big kitchen had half the street blocked turned the wrong way, garbage was everywhere, boxes were all over the place, and yet, he brings something to the neightborhood. What, rats and rodents to dine alfresco?
The mail box sits on the corner and when they block the area, people can't get to the box to drop off their out going mail. There's a bus stop on the corner as well.