The Cleveland Cuyahoga Port Authority is expanding it's shipping capacity by filling in with dirt one of its three Lake Erie berths. This will allow the Port to handle the recent upsurge and expected future increase in lake boats which need to be simultaneously docked for loading and unloading.
The berth which they propose filling is the one nearest the Brown's Stadium. This is the area where Brown's tail gaters will be least apt to park and get to the game on time without tipping over the edge into the lake.
By spending money now to eliminate one berth to accommodate more (amphibious) ships - and build a new warehouse - and
remove the obsolete stiff leg derrick crane while the price of scrap steel is low - the Port will be in a much more advanced position to close up the entire downtown operation, demolish everything, and move out to E55 once the Army Corps has filled that part of the lake in 20+ years from now with mud from the Cuyahoga.
Date: Friday, August 21
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Ave, Room 514
Agenda in brief: 9:30 am Wind Turbine Hearing
10:00 am Port Authority Presentation