[1]Architecture that can float is now very much in vogue. The Dutch engineering firm Dura Vermeer has committed itself to building floating towns (aka pontoon cities). An entire flotilla of floating greenhouses as The New York Times writes, "For the first time in its long history, the Netherlands has begun to strategically uncreate itself," in the face of future oceanic flooding. Starting in 2005, the government planned a 15-year program to buy up land and reserve it as flood plain, mostly along riverbanks. The Dutch are also exploring a solution as old as the first flood – “floating architecture."
Part of this architecture plan is a mix of urbanism-meets-the-hovercraft . At very least, the design plans included floating railway yards, tugboats and cargo, floating greenhouses for continuous supply of fruits and vegetables, built in water-purification systems, and more. With such as philosophical change, the city officials began to wonder if a floating concrete superhighway that drifts across the Pacific Ocean would be necessary. Let’s just stick to jet skis for now.
[1] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bJD5OolzlJU/SgmFv2mLIdI/AAAAAAAAAVw/Hdguzx8DMdI/s1600-h/Floating_City.jpg
[2] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bJD5OolzlJU/SgmF-g8Tu_I/AAAAAAAAAV4/GzztCsZ7bGs/s1600-h/Floating_1.jpg