Earlier in 2004, Peter Lewis offered to provide funding for a proposal to improve Northeast Ohio. Not that he hasn't already done his share - CEO of Progressive Insurance, Peter employs many people in the region, has been a major contributor to our arts and social program, and literally gave us the region's finest landmark building - the Gehry at University Circle - he has offered to do more. Unfortunately, on 11/16/04, Peter explained to area leaders [1]that the proposals he received for the community were not sufficient. Rather than complain about Peter [1] not funding proposals his wisdom rejects, REALNEO is getting the entire community involved to develop for and with Peter solutions that will lead to sustainable development for the region. Add pages to this book with your proposals, and comment on others - no whining... just winning!
[1] http://www.cleveland.com/search/index.ssf?/base/cuyahoga/1100687767159090.xml?ncounty_cuyahoga
[2] http://smtp.realneo.us/dear-peter/financial-times-asks-dear-peter-is-new-yorks-loss-clevelands-gain
[3] http://smtp.realneo.us/dear-peter
[4] http://smtp.realneo.us/dear-peter/dear-peter-lets-make-neo-the-worlds-aerosol-art-capital