“Hey, why is Jimmy sitting up in prison and you’re out eating at Grumpy’s? How does that go?” asked a man off-camera as Russo walked out of the restaurant.
“Huh?” replied Russo.
“What do you mean ‘huh’? Why are you here enjoying this beautiful day and Jimmy whole pie is locked up? asked the man.
“You know, we’re different people,” said Russo.
“When are you going away?” asked the man.
“Are you a reporter?” asked Russo.
“No. We’re just citizens of Cuyahoga County,” responded a woman who was also off-camera and apparently recording the run-in.
“I think it’s fair for us to ask questions. We’re citizens of Cuyahoga County,” she continued.
Russo’s group then walked away while some back-and-forth shouting continued.
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[1] http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/political/corruption_probe/youtube-video-shows-cuyahoga-taxpayers-confrontation-with-frank-russo-outside-cleveland-restaurant#ixzz1vLRvsWbL
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